Chapter 24

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Katsuki's pov:

it's 9 am. I'm glad that we don't have school today because, the weather is so FUCKING cold. I'm holding Shoto who's body is cold. He's only wearing a loose white shirt with black boxers. Me on the other hand, am only wearing black pants with no shirt.

-K-katsuki? I heard my angel whispered.

-What is it babe? He shivered into my embrace.

-I-it's c-cold. I held him tighter into my chest. His body was cold and he was shivering.

-Do you want me to turn on the heater?

-N-no. This I-is good. Yo-ou are w-warm. I chuckled as I place a kiss on his head.

Time breakfast

My mom made us pancakes as she promised last night. We finished breakfast and we cleaned the table. Today is so cold! I hate this! I made Shoto to wear a hoodie instead of t-shirt.

-It's cold boys. You can go to your room and turn the heater on. I'll make you boys hot chocolate with brownies. My little angel squealed as he wrapped his arms around my torso.

-Thank you Mitsuki! He said with his angelic voice.

-Awww your welcome Shoto! Now go, you don't want to catch a cold do you?

-No. Thanks mom. I said before we went upstairs to my room. I turned on the heater while Shoto sat on the bed and wrapped himself around the blanket. I chuckled as I joined him. He nuzzled his head into my neck while I wrapped my arms around his torso. He looked turned his head and loot into my eyes. I leaned closer as our lips met. He wrapped his arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. I licked his lips asking for promotion. He parted his lips as I slide my tongue inside his mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance. Which I won. Our make out session ended when we heard a knock on the door. We pulled away as Shoto nuzzled his head into my chest again. How cute when he is embarrassed. The door flew open as my mom came in with a tray which had two cups with two plates of brownies. She came toward us and gave me the tray.

-If you need anything, tell me okay?

-Okay mom. Thanks. She smiled as she left the room. I placed the tray on my lap. I gave the cup of hot chocolate to him. He held the cup with both of his hand as he blew air to make it cold. I smiled.  He looked at me and gave me a smile. We drank our hot chocolates and brownies. I placed the tray on the nightstand.

-Katsuki? I turned to see my angel rubbing his belly in a cute way. I couldn't stop but to place my hand on his as he was rubbing his belly.

-What is it kitten? He looked at me with his red cheeks.

-Do you think that I would be a good mom? He asked. I grabbed his chin and kissed him on his soft lips.

-Of course! You would be the best mom and best wife! He blushed as he hid his pretty face in his hands. I chuckled. ' Would I be a good dad then?'

-You would be the coolest dad and...husband. He mumbled. He's so cute! I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly. He wrapped his tiny arms around my torso as well.

-I'm so happy to have you Shoto. And I would be the happiest when I get to see my child, or children.

-I would be so happy to. I can't wait to see if we are having twins or not! He kissed me on the cheek. I pushed the hairs out of his face behind his ears.

-Your hair has grown long kitten. He gave me a smile.

-Yeah. I want to keep it. Would it be bad? I rolled my eyes as I chuckled.

-You would even look cuter with long hair Shoto! He blushed as he nuzzled his head into my neck. I placed a kiss on his head. I'm so grateful to have this life... 



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