Chapter 12

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Shoto's pov:

'I'm an idiot! A TOTAL IDIOT! Why did I call him...Daddy? I'm not saying that he didn't mind it even he called me baby! Does that mean...he has...kink? AHHHH I'M AN IDIOT! 'I was laying on Da-Katsuki's bed. My face was into his pillow, basically screaming. 'Hmm it smells like him, smells like mango. ARGHHH! I'M GONNA DIEE~! 'I was too busy thinking that I didn't heard someone entered the room.

"Hello Shoto! How you feel today?" I jumped a little which made my ribcage ache. I winced in pain. I saw Katsuki's mom sitting on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on my cheek and scrub it.

"I didn't mean to scare you. You okay? Does it hurt?" 

"It's fine. Just aching a little. I didn't realized that you entered the room." She gave me a smile.

"I think you were busy thinking ha~? Were you thinking about Katsuki~?" I blushed and hid my face with my hands. She chuckled.

"Don't be shy Shoto. I already know that you and Katsuki are in a relationship." This made me smile as I looked at her.

"H-he told me. I'm g-glad that y-you accepted me as..." I didn't finished my sentence when I felt two arms wrapped around me.

"Awwww you are so cute! You are my son in law after all~!" She laughed. I blushed even more into her embrace.

"T-thank y-you Mrs.Bakugo." She let go of me and narrowed her eyes. I raised an eyebrow, tilling my head.

"Don't call me that! Call me Mitsuki. Mrs makes me look old even though Katsuki calls me old hag all the time!" She crossed her arms rolling eyes which made me giggle.

"Awww! No wonder why my son in love with you! You are kind, heart warmer, cute, emotional and caring! I already can see that you changed my son 180 degrees! I'm so grateful to have you in my house and in my family." I smiled and pushed my hair behind my ears.

"Thank you...Mitsuki." She sighed in relief with a smile.

"That's better! Do you mind if I call you Shoto? Cuz I only heard that Katsuki calls you that!" I shacked my head.

"N-no it's fine. I don't like the name...Todoroki after all." I looked down, biting my bottom lip.

"How about, Shoto Bakugo? After all, you are in our family!" She smiled.

"That sound nice Mitsuki!" I heard someone said from the door frame. I turned and saw Katsuki's father. He came inside the room and sat next to Mitsuki.

"Ohh let me introduce you to my husband, Masaru. Masaru, Shoto." 

"I-it's n-nice to m-meet you sir."

"Come on, call me Masaru." He smiled at me as I smiled back, blushing still. 'I never felt being in such a family like this. They are so kind. I feel safe and happy with them.'

"Gotta say, you really made my son soft. I'm glad that you made my son happy. You are welcomed in the family. Whatever that happened in your past, it's not gonna happened again. We are here for you." Both of them gave me a warm smile. I smiled back although, I felt a hot liquid on my cheeks. I touched it and realized it was my tears.

"Awww don't cry baby Shoto." Mitsuki said and wrapped me into her embrace. Masaru joined too, hugging the both of us. The tears were falling from my eyes. I couldn't stop them from falling.

"It's okay Shoto. Sometimes you have to let your tears out. But from now on, we will do anything to keep you happy." Masaru said. I just stayed silent. No word would come out of my mouth. In a sudden, we heard the bell ring. He's home! I got out of their embrace and ran downstairs toward the door.

"Slow down Shoto! You are still recovering!" Mitsuki said but I couldn't care less. I opened the door to see the one and only, Katsuki. I smiled widely as I jumped on him and hugged his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. 'Why is he so damn tall!? My hands barely reaches his neck to be honest! '

"I missed youuuu~!" I nuzzled my head into his chest. He hugged me tighter and chuckled.

"Me too babe." Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my ribcage. I winced and held my chest.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" He put his warm hand on my cheek and scrub it. I shacked my head.

"N-no you didn't hurt me. I r-rushed till h-here. T-that's why." He sighed in relief and smirked.

"Welcome home son! Shoto was so impatient to see you." Masaru said.

"Can see it. Come on babe. Let's take you to bed. I nodded. I was about to go upstairs when he picked me up bridly style.

"YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE!" Mitsuki squealed. I blushed and held into Katsuki's chest.





The Impossible Love (Bakutodo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang