Chapter 41

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Katsuki's pov: 5 months later...

It's been five months since our little angels have been born. We've moved out to our new triplex house. My squad placed some money and helped us to buy this house. And also my parents helped us too! The house is near Pikachu's house. Actually, our house is close to everyone's house! ( How many house I used here -_-). The place is quiet big and it will take some times to get used to it. It has four rooms that one is master which is our room! It has two bathrooms not counting the master! There are four balconies for each room. Two rooms are on the first floor and two on the second. It has a big living room which is on the ground floor. The kitchen has tall windows that shows the backyard. The dining room is connected to the kitchen too which are on the ground floor. A TV room in the first floor that has a library next to it. Our room is on the second floor with the guests room. And there is our roof which has a pool. It's been two months since we moved here. Me and the Bakusquad bought some furniture's like a couple bed, sofa, nightstands, some things for bathroom like towel and tissues and some shit like that! The good thing was that we didn't need an oven, fridge, TV, and wardrobe cuz the rooms have closets! And right now, me, raccoon eyes, soy sauce and shitty hair have gone to market to but some groceries. While Shoto and the babies are staying home with aunt Pikachu!

Shoto's pov:

It's been two months since we moved to our own house! It's hard to get used to this big house to be honest! Our room and the babies rooms are complete while the two other rooms are not finished yet. And we didn't have any groceries so, Katsuki, Sero, Mina and Kirishima went to the market while Kaminari is staying with me. Mishal really likes Kaminari and he's always in his arms. He even calls him auny ( aunty). I guess it's because Kaminari's hair has grown long till his shoulder. Rachel on the other hand is crawling on the floor as I'm watching her from the sofa tha me and Kaminari are sitting. Rachel is more like his daddy I guess! She doesn't want to stay still!

-So Kami, how's living with Sero? I asked as I looked at him. He blushed while Mishal giggled and held Kaminari's hair.

-W-well it's good! I'm happy with him. He has already proposed to me. He showed his left had. On his ring finger was a gold ring with white diamond on it.

-Really!? When? I turned to see Rachel playing with her car on the ground with his usual blank face.

-A few days ago. Well we all were busy with helping you and Bakugo and we didn't have time to tell you guys!

-Awww I'm so happy for you! I hugged him without crushing Mishal (LOL)! He hugged back. We pulled back when we heard the door bell.

-I'll open it! He said as he placed Mishal on the sofa. I smiled. Mishal crawled on my lap as he giggled. I placed a kiss on his forehead. I picked him up when I heard a thud sound.

-YOU ALL ARE PATHETICS! It wasn't Kaminari nor anyone from the bakusquad. I placed Mishal next to his sister and went to see what is going on. What I saw, made my eyes widen. Kaminari had fell on the ground with his head bleeding. And the person who was standing in the doorway was...Midoriya who was holding a bloody baseball bat. I balled my fist and stood infront of Kaminari. Midoriya looked at me with his weird evil smile.

-WHAT DO YOU WANT MIDORIYA!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! I yelled as fire started to appear on my left side. He laughed and placed the bat on his shoulder.

-Can't you see? First you fall in love with kachan then you are pregnant with his children and THEN, he propose to you! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS HA? AND THEN, THAT USELESS KAMINARI FELL IN LOVE WITH A GUY! HOW PITTIFUL THAT A GUY LIKE HIM EVEN EXIST! HE IS NO GOOD FOR ANYTHING!

-HE IS NOT USELESS! HE IS NOT ANY OF THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ARE SAYING! HE IS KINDNESS FRIEND I HAVE! YOU WERE NICE BEFORE BUT NOW, YOU ARE A MONSTER! LOOK AT YOURSELF! He laughed even more as he was about to come a step closer, I held my left hand and threw a fire ball in his chest. He winced and dropped the bat. I used my ice quirk and froze him.

-WHAT THA FUCK? HOW!? Before he could say another word, I kicked him in the head and punched him out of the house. I slammed the door closed it was at that moment that I heard someone sniffing. I turned to see Kaminari sobbing with his hand on his head and his belly. I ran to kitchen and grabbed a wet towel with bandages from the first air. I came back to see Kaminari in the same position. I cleaned the blood and wrapped the bandage around his head.

-Kaminari, it's okay now. He's gone. I wrapped my hands around him. He started to cry as his tears were falling on my shirt. I pulled away and he was still crying. I sighed.

-Hey, don't let him get into you. He was talking bullshit okay? I placed my hand on his shoulder. I saw his hand was still on his stomach. He winced as he clutched his stomach.

-What's wrong Kami? Tell me! I'm starting to get worried.

-I-it h-hurts. I-I'm s-scared. He looked at me with his watery eyes and my heart ached seeing him like this. I placed my hand under his shoulder and helped him stand. As he stood up, he cried out of pain and clutched his stomach. What did that BASTARD do to him!?






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