Chapter 31

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Shoto's pov:

I knew that Katsuki was thinking deeply. And I was awake the whole time in my own thoughts...Katsuki surprised me for my birthday. He also got me Frosty, my British shorthair! He is so cute and he always sleeps on Katsuki's chest. Aside of these on 20 of April, it's Katsuki's birthday and I want to surprise him too. I asked Kirishima and others to help me. Today is 18th of April, I still have two days left. I'm going to meet Kirishima and others at a café down the street. I just have to ditch Katsuki...

Time skip...Shoto made an excuse and his heading to the café (WARNING, SLITLY RAPE AND ABUSE A LITTLE DRAMA CUZ I'M DEPRESSED :((( )

The weather is cloudy so, I wore a baggy light red long sleeve with white pregnancy trousers (IDK if it's called this sorry :D). I have bun my hair since it is long enough! All the way to the café, I had a weird feeling that someone is following me. It continued for few minutes. I was getting annoyed and scared at the same time. I picked up the pace. Suddenly, a hand put a gag in my mouth and another hand took me into and ally. I turned to use my ice quirk but a pain in my head made me stop. I fell on my knees.

-All alone by yourself missy ha? A guy with a black mask said. My head was aching so bad. Who the hell are these guy! I felt someone from behind tied my wrists with ropes.

-Ohh she is married boss! The guy from behind me said. Why they think I'm a girl!? Arghh...I'm getting scared. I don't want them to hurt my children!

-It makes it twice better! You have pretty face, long half hair, long eyelashes, milky skin! He must be lucky to have such a girl like you! But you have quiet a big belly...or...He stopped and leaned closer to my face as he grabbed my chin. He placed his filthy on my belly. I struggled but the guy from behind held my hands tighter. ' You are pregnant! Tsk'. I placed one of my fingers on the rope and slightly burnt it. Although, I was stopped when the mask guy slide his hand into my boxer. Now I was so scared. I struggled and hissed. The guy from behind held a knife on my neck. The mask guy stroked my dick as the other guy pressed the knife of my neck which made it bleed. I was so scared that I was shaking. Katsuki...where are you!!!

-Your husband most be so gentle with you ha!? The masked guy smirked and squeezed my dick. I felt tears leaving my eyes. The guy from behind made small cuts on my neck and shoulders. I should've called Katsuki before this could happened! The mask guy leaned closer and licked my tears. I took this chance and flint my fire on my cheek.

-OWWW AAAA HE FUCKING BURNED MY TONGUE! He slapped me across the face and I fell on the ground. The other guy held the knife at my chest. I closed my eyes and prayed. But the knife never came down to me.

-LET GO OF HIM YOU PERVERTS! I heard someone shouted. I sobbed without opening my eyes. I heard more footsteps.

-YOU BETTER RUN FOR YOUR LIVES IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET ELECTROCUTED! The voice belongs to Kaminari! How did they find me?

-Candy cane!!! I felt the ropes around my wrists loosen up. I opened my eyes to see Mina who had a worried expression on her face. She removed the gag as well. I looked around to see Kirishima punching the mask guy while Sero held the other guy with his tapes. Kaminari ran to me and lend me his jacket.

-Todoroki! Wear it, your body will get cold. Give me your phone so we can call Bakugo. I slightly nodded and took the jacket. With my shaking hands, I lend him my phone. Mina got out a tissue from her pocket and cleaned the blood on my neck and shoulder.

-Bakugo! Yes it's me. Come to the café down the street NOW! DON'T QUESTION JUST COME FAST! Kaminari ended the call as he gave back my phone.

-We should take you to a hospital candy cane! Mina said. I shacked my head and wrapped my hands around myself. I've never been this scared in my life before. I'm so grateful that they came here and rescued me.

-DARE TO SEE YOUR FACES AROUND HERE, I WON'T HESTATE TO BREAK YOUR BONES! Kirishima yelled as Sero let go of the guy. The mask guy limped and headed toward the end of the ally. Although, the other guy threw some sort of dust into Sero's eyes and he walked backwards while rubbing his eyes. The guy took out a knife from his pocket and rushed to Sero who was blinded byt the dust.

-SERO! Kaminari yelled as he ran to the guy with his electric hands.

-KAMI DON'T! Kirishima yelled. Kaminari's hand went to the mans back although, the guy dodged it. In a flash, he stabbed Kaminari in his left side.

-KAMINARI! Me and Mina yelled as tears formed in our eyes...

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