Chapter 6

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Shoto's pov: (Don't play the song yet! I'll inform you when to play it!)

'I can't believe that he saved me again. He is even blaming himself! He treated me nicely. Although, he is not like this when he was with other people especially with his friends. I can't believe that he allowed me hug him.' I looked at his peaceful face. He was asleep although, I can't sleep. I was busy looking at him when I heard a knock on the door. The door flew open and revealed a woman who had the same colour and hair shape of Katsuki's who was holding a tray. 'Most be his mom.' 

"Oh I see he is asleep nice!" She walked closer and placed the tray on the night stand. I slowly sat up as I gave her a small smile which she returned it.

"I'm Mitsuki. Katsuki's mom. And you are?"

"S-shoto T-todoroki. Shoto in short." I mumbled as I blushed a bit.

"Don't be shy my boy! I'm like your mother okay?" I nodded and giggled. 'Mother...I never got to have one. . .never got to feel her love.'

"OI! KATSUKI WAKE UP! I MADE SOUP FOR BOTH OF YOU! IT IS GETTING COLD!" She yelled which made me jump and held a laughter. 'No wonder why he yells like his mother! ' Katsuki slowly opened his eyes. He looked from the corner of his eyes and groaned. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"There was no need to YELL ya know! Katsuki said with his half closed eyes.

"Okay boys! I'll leave you two alone. If you need anything tell me." She stood up and waved at us before she leave. I wrapped my arms around myself and sighed. Katsuki grabbed the tray and placed it on the bed. There were two bowls of soup with two glass of water.

"You okay kitten?" He asked. 'When he calls me by that, I can't stop but to blush! '

"Y-yeah." 'He isn't convince so for sure. . .'

"Do not lie kitten~! I can see it!" He said and looked at me. I smiled slightly and sighed.

"I-it's really nothing." He let out a long sigh.

"Okay then. . ."

Time skippppp...

We finished our soup and laid on the bed. This time, my back was facing Katsuki. (Play the song now!) I closed my eyes. 'I was only three when my mother poured boiling water on my face. I don't blame her. She didn't like me. Although, my other siblings loved me. Especially Touya. Unfortunately, all of them left me behind when I was only six. I lived alone with my father for ten years. Ten years of pain, darkness, abuse and sadness...The only friend that I had was Midoriya. My father wouldn't let me go out to be with people. He always told me that I have to train harder. Some nights, I would sneak out of the house and went to parks to see people. I saw friends talking and laughing together. I saw parents with their child or children playing and smiling. I would read book about friendship and love without my father noticing it. I was only 14 when I realized that I wasn't straight. I hid it from my father although, somehow he found out and abused me even more for it. Some nights, he would come home drunk and would break stuff. Some nights he would beat me till I was unconscious. Some nights he would lock me in my room. On those nights, I started self harm. Little by little, it become my habit. Some nights I really wanted to die but something always told me that it's still early to die. My heart is shattered to many pieces that who knows how can you fix it. I'm happy that I have Katsuki as my friend and...crush?! I can't stop it! I like him already! But what if he would dump me when he realize that I'm gay? What if he is not gay? I don't want that! He is the only one that was there for me when I needed someone. Wait? Am I wearing Katsuki's hoodie? WITH HIS BOXERS!? Did he change me?! ARGH! He saw me naked! EEEEEeee! I hold the covers tighter in my hands. I felt my cheeks getting hot. I'm glad he can't see me. like this!'

"Oi kitten?" He asked which made me shiver.

"Y-yeah?" I answered. He wrapped his arms round my chest and pulled me closer to himself. I blushed even darker.

"Goodnight." He said as he kissed the back of my neck. 'EEEEEEE WHAT THE HELL!? 'The kiss made a shiver go down my spine. Although, my hands automatically held his warm hands.

"G-good n-night." I held his hands tighter as I felt my eyes got heavy. And then, I fell asleep. But this time, there wasn't the usual darkness I used to see, it was bright. . .

FINITO!!!! C u guys soon!



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