Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" I asked her, grabbing a pair of shorts from a little cubby hole in the tree, the pack hides clothes everywhere.

"She should be dead! Why'd you stop me?!" She screamed, trying to get out onto the street again.

I stepped out and caught her, "What'd she do?"

"She made me- she's turning me into a hunger crazed monster okay? What if I start eating you or something?!" She sobbed a little, all anger disappearing from her beautifully purple eyes as she curled into my body.

I reacted instantly, pulling her into a hug and letting her cry out whatever she needed to. I was here this time, I wasn't going to let her sob by herself. I'm done with that. I think. Honestly it's hard to tell what I'm going to do. I felt her tears on my shoulders and I pulled her closer, sliding down one of the tree trunks and sitting with her in my arms. I never knew about this, she never told me. Jesus we don't know a thing about each other do we? Ad I've hurt her so much already.

I traced my fingers along her back under her shirt, the scar still there and healing slowly, to slow for me. She groaned as I trailed my fingers across it. I'm so fucking stupid for hurting her like this. It's all my fault.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into her hair, still tracing the cut.

"Stop it, stop apologizing. I get it." She snapped, but I felt her relax none the less as her cut started to heal faster under my touch.

"I can fix it." I assured her, pressing on the scar deeper and deeper.

"Stop it!" She screamed, jumping out of my grasp on onto her feet," I don't need your help!"

"Sophie." I sighed, standing with her, I will not get mad.

"Don't Sophie me, leave me alone for a bit will you. You've done enough." She hissed, walking by me going back towards the school.

I felt the anger climb up a notch inside of me, she just won't let me in. It made my head spin, I'm her mate I can help her. Why the fuck can't she just let me help her? What's so wrong with that? I growled at myself as I shifted again, running to her-well I guess my house.

The running made all my thoughts of anger and hurt disappear for a time, but when I jumped the fence and changed back I couldn't help but feel those feelings come circling around. I tried to shake them off, but they wouldn't leave. As I walked in the back door and ran my way upstairs the whole family walked in. I heard Sophie run to her room, slamming the door behind her, then only seconds later my own door was slammed open as Brian stomped in.

"What the hell man?!" He yelled grabbing the front of my shirt.

"What?" I asked him standing my ground.

"Did you hurt her again?" He demanded.

"If anything she fucking hurt me! Why am I always the bad guy? I tried to help her, tried to make her feel a little bit better." I snarled, shoving him away from me.

"Then why's she in tears? Huh, smart ass? Why did she come back to school in tears?" He hissed back, shoving me backward into the wall and pining me there.

"Why don't you tell me, you're the fucking mate shrink!" I tried to push. Hm away but he stayed glued I place. Fuck I need to workout.

"Will the two of you stop it?! It's no ones fault, it's the blood dumb ass." Darrin called from the bathroom doorway as he started the water.

Brian huffed then walked away, I gave him a smug smile, I love being right. I pulled my blue shirt over my head and walked out of the room, Brian watched me as I went to Sophie's room and slowly opened the door.

Sophie was on the ground, her head in her knees and sobs shaking her body. Something was defiantly fucking wrong, she's sitting like a chick in paranormal activity would! I could feel her emotion now. It was like waves of sad just ran over my head, threatening to choke me and take me down. I waked in, closing the door behind me I felt her stand. As I turned to face her she looked me up and down and smiled, a really sinister smile.

"Sophie?" I asked, hoping that maybe my voice would snap her out of whatever she was in.

"Ian." She said back, the smile falling for a bit but then came back into play. She was starting to look like the Cheshire Cat.

"Are you okay?" I tried, moving to sit on the love seat.

"Happy as I ever could be." She smiled still, coming over to me.

"But the blood-?"

"The blood has no affect!" She yelled, her eyes pulsing a deep reddish colour.

I shut up after that and just watched her pace around her room, her eyes were purple weren't they? Maybe Vivian gave her tainted blood? Wo was this Vivian chick anyways, no one tells me a damn thing about her meanwhile she's making my mate into a psychopath. If I ever see that stupid redhead bitch I will rip her head off, no doubt about it. I stood from the love seat, maybe I should leave Sophie alone, let the blood run its course?

I started to make my way out of the room as Sophie kept pacing back and forth, glancing up at me a bit but then walking the room again. I sighed and shook my head, opening the door a little, I turned back to check on her one last time. She was gone. The room was empty. But my hand was still resting on the handle of the door when she slammed it shut.

Holy crap! How the frig did she get over here that fast?! Who the hell does that? She's fucking insane. Sophie turned to look at me, my hand still stayed frozen on the door handle as she ducked under it and leaned against the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I mumbled, taking my hand away and walking backwards.

"Nothing if anything I've had a few improvements, wanna see them?" She purred, walking back with me until I fell onto the love seat.

She was a blur as she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, then walked back out, "I'm faster."

Then she grabbed a table that I can only assume used to be in the hall way, ripped the legs off and then crumbled them into a fine dust, with her hand, "I'm stronger."

"You're creepy as hell." I chimed, standing from the love seat and going to the balcony.

Sophie blocked my path, playing with her dark brown curls she walked up to me. She stood in front of me, her eyes never moving from mine as she licked her lips, in the most tempting way possible. I groaned mentally, why? She smiled, her eyes moving down to my lips and as she started to move even closer, I ducked under her and ran through the balcony doors. Obviously whatever hold I once had on her is gone, I have to play fire with fire here right? I have to make her snap out of it before we both got hurt.

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