Chapter 50

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After some hours, When Tess entered, he found Jeff lying down on the floor and once she spotted the needle, she started crying and screaming " Wake up Jeff. Wake up please."

Andrew and Jenny entered the room and were shocked. Andrew's eyes were full of guilt and regret. He failed as a father. He could have saved Jeff. Jeff was dead.

What was left for Tess? The man she loved the most abandoned her. Tess stayed in Jeff's room even after he is no longer there. But his presence is felt. The room became both her paradise and her inferno. She received her happiness here and even her tears here only. Continuing her life there with Alan was all left.

" what was Jeff, only he knew. How can he love and leave? Maybe sufferings have always been personal. No one can cure you once you've got nothing left inside. we do wonder how all the humanity and feelings ended. Even love cannot repair you. What he felt, how he finished himself was all his own secrets. Everything you feel is not worth sharing when you know nobody appreciates broken, empty and sad people..."

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