Chapter 5

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Tess called Alan, held his hand and walked out of the yard. Jeff was stuck upon his own thoughts.

_ That voice, he could sell his soul to,
To a stranger.
He felt himself in the middle of a raging storm
He was a lost sailor sailing back to her.
She was a shore with healing powers,
to cure his wounded pieces
so he can love again'

Evan came and woke Jeff back to reality. Jeff wanted to see Tess again. He wanted to talk to her. Sometimes all we do is to hope to see a stranger again. How to see her or meet her again, Jeff kept wondering.

Maybe Jeff did not have to try that hard because destiny wanted them to meet again. Evan wanted to visit Alan as both were having holidays. Jeff Edwards was assigned the task of dropping Evan to Alan's place.

When destiny is playing by our side, we choose to go along with it no matter where it leads us to.

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