Chapter 13

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Noah spotted Jeff near a medical shop buying ointment for his bleeding hand. Noah was disgusted that early morning and Jeff was stinking of alcohol. Still Noah offered to help him back home. He refused. Then Noah proposed his house as he stays nearby.

Noah bandaged his wound. Seeing so many photographs of Tess and Noah on the wall, Jeff was surprised.

Jeff: Wow Noah. You and Tess share a deep bond. I never heard of Tess during college time.

Noah ( surprised at Jeff enquiring about Tess): She is originally from California. After she settled here, we got to know each other.

Jeff: okay. So do you love Tess?

Noah: What? What the fuck you are bragging about? What's wrong with you?

Jeff: Come on, It's either yes or no.

Noah: I love her as a person, as my best friend or as a lover.And that should not concern you. who are you to Tess? (sarcastically) Only Evan's Uncle.

Jeff was fuming with jealousy. He was about to hit Noah but he calmed his nerves.

Jeff: Thank you Noah for the hospitality. Hope to see you at my place today for Jenny's and her husband marriage celebration. And do bring your best friend.

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