Chapter 23

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Back to New York, we came back for the best and the worst.

Noah came to spend the night with Tess and Alan, Alan also just got back from his school two days trip. Noah considered Tess to much and wanted to finally have the serious conversation of their lives.

Noah: How have you been? We did not talk for two days. Well forget all that. There is some hot news for you.

Tess (making fun): You got a girlfriend finally

Noah (with utmost seriousness) : Hell no Tess. My parents are planning to make you my wife.

Tess became pale and was shocked.

Noah : Don't look at me this way, You are scaring me. It's their idea and a bit of my idea too. They sent me to ask for your opinion.

Tess kept silent.

Noah (shouted) : Tess speak up.

Tess (teary eyes) : I..... I don't know Noah. Everything is happening so fast. I did not get a chance to speak to you. You know Jeff..... ( After a long pause). Jeff proposed to me and I said Yes Noah.
I said Yes to Jeff. I am sorry (crying). I did not mean to hurt your and your parents' feelings. You are more than my best friend. I love you but I never saw you that way Noah.

Noah (controlled his tears, broken, trembling voice) : Maybe if you had met me the way you met Jeff, you would have loved me. If we meet in another life, in a different place and time, We can fall in love. I wish I get a chance to be with you Tess to show you my love. I was just a fool waiting for the right time. The right time turned out to be wrong.

Tess could not see him bursting into tears. she hugged him tight.

Tess: I am really sorry Noah. I loved Jeff first. I loved him for the mess he is. He attracts me because in some ways I can relate to him. He is another me in this world, just a bit weaker.

Noah: I understand Tess. Your feelings and your love matter to me. I respect them. I will drop by later to meet Alan. I should get going.

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