Chapter 33

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In this universe, there are people for whom we would fight to see them happy. Despite all the troubles, we hold on tight.

Noah's everything was Tess and Alan. If they won't be here then what will happen of Noah. At the Airport entrance, Noah stopped Tess from going further ahead.

Noah : I am sorry Tess. You just cannot leave without even informing.

Tess: I don't have a choice. What does this city have left to offer me?

Noah: It might be me and my attachment with Alan.

Tess: I am destroyed Noah. Completely damaged. I cannot do this anymore.

Noah: What is wrong with you?

Tess: You cannot mend anything. It's just me. Let me go please.

Noah: Can you please shut the fuck up. Why are you doing this to me? You might be Alan's mom but I have been the dad for him. Ala n is just a kid. Can we just not tear him between our conflicts. He needs to be loved and feel safe.

Tess: Fuck you Noah. Did Alan meant anything to you? What about the acceptance of your parents?

Noah: I lied to you. I always wanted Alan to be grown up near you. You matter to me a million times more than you think.

Tess: How am I suppose to believe all this Noah?

Noah: Because I love you. And when I am seeing you going away, I am dying inside Tess. Alan was always the anchor I used to keep you near me.

Tess (crying): I wish I never laid eyes on Jeff. It feels like dying. So much pain.

Noah: The reason might be Jeff. But fuck him Tess. Since when people mattered so much to you. My Tess is a fighter. Why does this Tess look so fragile?

Tess was completely shattered and Alan started crying. Tess turned to Alan and hugged him. Finally Tess was convinced and returned back home with Noah.

I made you "mine" (Completed ✔)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant