Chapter 17

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Alan was back the next morning and she felt that she was drifting her attention from Alan. She decided to take the day off from work and take Alan out for the day. Alan insisted of taking Evan also.
Noah was also accompanying them.

They started at 10 am and picked up Evan on the way to the shopping mall. Tess and Noah were watching the boys playing and jumping around in the kid's corner section. They decided to sit nearby so as to keep an eyes on them.

Noah went to get coffee for Tess. When he returned, to his great surprise he saw Jeff entertaining the kids. He went and informed Tess. Tess was rather happy because Alan looks the happiest whenever he is with Jeff.

Noah: Did you invite Jeff over?

Tess: No. Might be Evan told him.

Tess and Noah approached them and told them to come out for lunch.

Jeff: Guys I am sorry for coming without informing. My brother told me to come and check on Evan if he might be causing you troubles.

Noah and Tess : That's fine

They enjoyed their meals together and Tess did some shopping. Suddenly Noah received a call and he had to head back to office.

Noah: Jeff please drop Tess and Alan home. It's urgent. I got to go.

Jeff: Cool by me. Take care.

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