Chapter 51

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After one year, Tess standing on the balcony.

" we live for that one day
that someday he'll be back for a love he deserves.
Each time I look at the moon from the balcony,
I try to find you there among the stars.
But how do I convince the heart on a starless night?
Do you hear me?
Every single part of you has melted inside me that
my love is hopeless.
I am still loving you even though you left me here, on my own,
with all the aches and scars the universe could assemble together.
The way the wind envelopes itself around me,
I can feel your arms around me.
Don't you miss me Jeff? Wish you could come back.
I wish we could be here now, kissing the sky goodnight and drinking coffee.
Why couldn't it be like that?
I have always been yours.
Deep inside, I know that you are happy where you are
and right now you want to see me happy.
I promise I'll never love again like I loved you.
One day, I will sail up there for another love story with you."

Tess kissed the stars goodnight alone when she saw a shooting star. She closed her eyes and wished
" In a different place, at a different time, on another life, I want to meet the same Jeff, I'll hold on tight and never let him ever leave so early. But he should not be as broken you are breaking right now."

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