chapter 10

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Midnight, Tess received a phone call.

Jeff: Sorry this is Jeff here. Can we meet? I am standing outside your door.

Tess peeped outside and it was him, shivering of cold. Tess opened the door for him. He hugged Tess, he was crying. Tess hugged him back.

Tess: What happened Jeff?

Jeff: They are getting a divorce. And he is getting married again.

Tess: Who Jeff?

Jeff: Dad. Dad is...

Tess brought him into the hall, lit the fire for some heat and asked him to change his clothes. He was drenched. Not to wake up Alan, both stayed in Tess' room. Tess did not know how to start the conversation with him.

Jeff: I am sorry but you seem to be the one person I can talk to right now.

Tess: Speak up. I will listen to you.

Jeff: I know you might have heard about me from Noah. And it must not have been pleasant things.
Everybody sees me as the bad guy because I always chose to show myself that way.

Tess moved closer to him and held his hand. Tess did not know why she did that in that moment. Sometimes we feel others' pain because we relate ourselves to them in a certain way.

Jeff: You know dad has never been happy with me because my career was a bit too low class for him. I did not turn out to be a businessman like him. I could not make money like him. And with mom, he treated her like a fool. He never loved my mom the way my mom loved him. He is a man who found pleasure outside marriage. And I grew up hating him for that and this made me more frustrated with myself. wherever I go I feel ashamed to be having his name and people see him for his name and fame. My mom remained quiet thinking maybe one day that man will reciprocate to her love. But time passed, and her love has been shattered by a piece of paper.

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