Chapter 12

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Dear Jeffrey,

You are my bravest kid and I don't regret you being my only son. You went through a lot and you are no longer the Jeffrey who loved people. You made yourself alone, you no longer date. Love is not a sin. I loved your father with all my heart. But baby sometimes the same love is not bestowed to us. I will never say your dad is a bad man or a bad father. He loves you and wants you to have a successful life. Your dad loves Jenny, and I met her. She will treat you good and please you also be good towards her. I know you are raging out of anger and hatred. Time will pass and everything will be perfect. All I want you to be is a good son, a good man and a perfect lover. Let go of the past and move on. I am perfectly fine and settled, your dad made sure of it. I got myself into a job for a little more financial support. Handle yourself Jeff. I love you. Don't forget that you are always in my prayers and I will visit you whenever its possible.

From your dear mom.

Jeff was broken after reading and went downstairs to find Jenny and his dad in the hall turning their bond legal. He got so angry that he went and abused Jenny for taking her mom's everything and even punched his hand on the wall when his dad spoke in Jenny's defense.

Jeff ( sobbing) : I wished you ever spoke about mom like this.

Jeff left from there and drove again around the city, lost in his thoughts, regrets he could make it perfect for his mom.

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