Chapter 18

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Some months passed by with Jeff touching heights with his career. Tess got indulged into her night shifts. Noah was busy travelling for business purposes. None of them got that much time to interact but they were in contact. Some words were still left unsaid. Feelings were not expressed. But the existence of the person mattered the most. We are all trapped and consumed by the professional world because we all know we got to make it big out there, maybe not for ourselves, but for our beloved one.

Jeff also realised with these passing months that Tess is the one for him. Nothing changed about how he looks upto Tess. The kids were also growing bigger. Jeff also got to know that Tess is someone who would not confess about her feelings. Tess is always scared of hurting others because of her feelings. Jeff loved Tess for the understanding human she is. Tess was magical for him. He liked being nearby Tess. Tess brought a kind of solace to his wounded soul. He started feeling alive. But he was confused, Was it for himself or for Tess?

Jeff took Evan and went to meet Tess and Alan. It was June. When the kids were inside,

Jeff: Tess, What if we give each other the best day of this summer of our life?

Tess ( laughing) : one day is enough?

Jeff: One day to live the most of it.

Tess: A Sunday .

Jeff (nearing near Tess and whispered in her ear) : Perfect.

They looked like the utmost perfect lovers that the universe is conspiring to bring together. Despite the beautiful conspiracy of the stars, Will these two lovers be sacrificed to fate's decision or will they build their dynasty untouchable by the superior force?

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