I miss my brother

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Pic of how the twins look. 

Jayden POV (Since Jake is in a coma, thought a POV from one of the twins would be nice)

The day I saw my brother faint in front of me is one I will never forget.

We were hanging out in the kitchen just laughing and trying to get Jake out of his head for a bit by attempting to make home made pizza like dad does. We had flour all over us and sauce caked on the flour, now we know how to make it, but we made it fun.

As we were finally mixing the flour and water, Jake clutched his chest and screamed out in pain and we knew his mate was having sex again. My twin and I rushed to Jake's side and that is when I noticed his eyes were shut and he wouldn't wake up. I shouted and slapped his face I don't know how many times to get him to wake but nothing worked. I yelled for my dad to help and he ran from the pack house and into the house in less than thirty seconds.

Dad has always been very protective of Jake more than us and we understand why. Him and Jake both have rocky pasts, so their bond is different and more meaningful, and Jaylen and I understand fully. We aren't jealous of it, we admire it. Our big brother and father are the best men we have ever known, and our dad loves all the same, we all know that. Dad picked Jake up and ran with him and us behind him to the pack doctor.

A few hours went by and we found out he is in a coma and his wolf is on the brink of death, the pain of his mate harshly sort of rejecting him and being called a freak has put Stone in such a bad place that he is giving up and it will take a miracle for him to wake up and overcome this.

It's been three months now since that day and we almost lost Jake ten times and each time he flatlines, it takes longer to bring him back. I have been tempted a lot to just go and beat the shit out of Colson for causing my brothers pain like this. My wolf has been on edge and has even taken over me when we went to drag Colson to the pack house so he can see what he has done to our brothers. Our wolves are very close, more so than us human side are to each other so when Ren saw Stone in the pain he is in, he came out angry when he saw Colson just casually walking out to us that day. It took a lot to make him not reach out and snap Colson's neck when he got into his face. I knew if he were to do that, we would have lost Jake, there wouldn't be anything we could do then.

I just want my brother to wake up, I want him to look at me and smile that smile he has and just look into my eyes and tell me he's ok. He is my big brother. He has been there for me my whole life, chasing the monsters from under the bed, cleaning cuts I got from playing, reading to me when I would get scared, hold me until I went to sleep when dad told us we were older that we didn't need the nightlight anymore, we were thirteen and some reason scared of the dark. Jake would cheer at games we had; he would help with schoolwork we were stuck on. He did a lot for us is my point and I just want my big brother to wake up.

I'm sitting next to his bed with his hand in mine just rubbing circles on the back of his hand and looking at his lifeless form. Seeing him like this breaks our hearts, Ren whines a lot for Stone to come back to him, to be able to comfort him and nuzzle him like he would all the time. He misses playing in the forest with his big brother, chasing one another, nipping and yipping playing in the dirt and the water. Now just like Fen Jaylen's wolf is at the same state Ren is in. We all are and it's taking it's toll on all of us. Riley, dad's wolf is trying to be strong for his pups but can tell he's slipping each day. Riley spends a lot of time with us, meaning us human side. Dad lets him take over when we are with Jake, his presence helps some. He will get on the bed and cuddle with his pup and comfort his pup until late at night when his mate comes for him. A lot of the time dad will stay in the bed and Owen, Craig's wolf when he take's over which is most of the time when he is also visiting Jake will sleep next to him in the chair.

I heard a whimper coming from Jake and I snap my head to look at his face and I can see his eyes moving before he slowly tries to open them so I get out of the chair and run to turn the light down and back to his side and take his hand in mine.

"Jake, can you hear me? Jake?" I said looking over his face and down to his hand when he squeezed it gently.

"Jake!" I sobbed out and threw myself on his chest and he put his arm weakly on my back.

"Oh gosh Jake your ok!" I said crying into his chest. Ren purring at the contact our brother is giving us.

"I'm ok baby brother, I'm ok." He said in a raspy voice still rubbing his hand up and down my back. I slowly remove myself and look at him. I see him looking around and stop at the glass on the table next to his bed, so I fill it of water for him and give it to him. He takes it down in one go and hands it back to me.

"Hey, you are a site for sore eyes. How are you feeling Jakey?" I asked using the childhood nickname Jaylen and I called him. He smiled softly at me and took my hand in his.

"I'm alright, how are you though? You don't look so good baby brother." Here he just woke up after three months and is worried about me.

"I'm a lot better now, you were in a coma for three months Jakey, three months we had to watch you die a lot just to bring you back barley being able to. Three months of hell but gosh I'm so glad your ok. I don't know what I would do if I lost my big brother." I said and hugged him again and sobbed into his shoulder. He held me tightly and I can feel him shake and I know he's crying. He pulls away slightly and wipes my eyes and cheeks and smiles a heart breaking smile at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you through hell Den, I hope you can forgive me."

"Oh shush, it's not your fault your mate is a dick." I growled out and he chuckled and pulled me back into his chest and sighed.

"How is dad and Len?" Jake hardly calls us by our names instead he calls me Den and Jaylen Len.

"Same as me. They will be happy though once they know your awake. Get ready cuz dad is on his way, I can feel his panic so he must feel something happened."

"So can I." Jake said, and I let him go and the door opens to his room and dad runs to his side and grabs Jake into his arms and sobs and smiles that his son is ok.

"Don't you ever leave me again son." He chocked on a sob as he said that to Jake.

"I won't daddy, I promise. How are you?" Jake asked as he also chocked back a sob.

"Oh, you know, my son was in a coma for three months and slowly losing my mind and grip on reality but other than that I'm freaking fan tastic thanks for asking, how are you?" Dad answered and I couldn't help but chuckle at his sarcasm and Jake smiled at dad.

"Dad don't stress, don't want you having those pups just yet now do we?" Jaylen said as he walked into the room and went to Jake and hugged him as best he could with dad still attached to Jake. Dad huffed and stuck his tongue out at Jaylen, and we all laughed.

"I'm alright dad, I'm awake at least. I'm sorry I scared you guys, I couldn't control it and I'm sorry for stressing you out daddy, Len's right, it's not good for the pups so please calm down ok? I'm fine." Dad let's go of Jake and sits on the edge of the bed and takes Jake's hands in his and looks into his eyes, dad is big on eye contact when he talks to us.

"Son Colson is here. He's out in the waiting room. He has been here a lot in this room. He just arrived a little bit ago but he knew Jayden was in here, so he didn't bother him. Would you like to see him?" Dad asked and I noticed Jake tense and closed his eyes slowly sighing. He nodded yes and dad kissed his cheek and we all left the room.

"Colson." Dad called for him when we walked down the hall. Colson got off the chair and met us in the hall.

"Jake is awake, and I asked if he wanted to see you and he said yes but he hesitated, so you better not cause him to get upset do you understand?" Dad asked and Colson nodded. Colson walked past us and knocked on Jake's door. Now we just need to wait to find out what is going to happen.

A Bond That Lasts... Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora