Derek's job isn't dangerous. He doesn't see combat anymore, he has before, he just trains the new recruits. Stiles has seen the scars on Derek from when he was in active combat, and Stiles doesn't want him in danger anymore.

"They're good. Allison told me to tell you hey." Stiles says, and Derek nods.

"Do you remember on our honeymoon when we swam out in the ocean at night, and you were terrified of night sharks?" Derek says, randomly and Stiles laughs in surprise.

"I vaguely remember you calling me ridiculous." Stiles points out, and Derek laughs softly before running his hands over his face. Stiles knows that his husband does it when he is nervous. Derek licks his lips, and he looks away from Stiles. Stiles catches the way he bites his lips, and he knows that Derek is upset. Stiles is shocked. He knows that Derek misses him, but he didn't think that it would affect Derek the same way it does him. Derek has done this before, being away from home for so long, but not while being married. "Do you remember when you asked me to marry you?" Stiles asks, in hopes of distracting Derek with a happy memory.

It works because Derek looks at him again, and smiles fondly.

"Why am I blindfolded? Are you kidnapping me?" Stiles jokes, and he hears Derek's huff of laughter. Stiles smiles, and he feels Derek gently push him in the direction he wants him to go. "Is this some sort of weird sex thing? Are you going to make me call you sir?" Stiles says, and Derek groans in annoyances.

"I should have left you in the car." Derek says without malice, and Stiles grabs his heart in mock hurt.

"You wound me, Der-Bear." Stiles says, and Derek stops him. He hears Derek take a deep breath, and then the blindfold comes off. He finds himself in the park in an isolated area with a picnic set up. Stiles turns to see that Derek is staring at him nervously, and Stiles has no idea why. "Derek." Stiles says, in wonder.

"You hate it, don't you? I'm sorry I just wanted to do something nice since we've been fighting so much about me leaving." Derek rambles, and Stiles cuts him off with a kiss because he loves it and he doesn't want to think about Derek leaving him.

"I love it, Derek." Stiles promises, and Derek breathes a sigh of relief. Derek sits down on the blanket, and drags Stiles into his lap. Stiles turns his face to kiss Derek. They get lost in the moment, and soon Derek is laying Stiles on his back so he can kiss him while hovering over him. Stiles returns the affection while running his hands up and down Derek's tone arms, and Derek breaks away from the kiss to trail small kisses down Stiles face and neck.

"Marry me." Derek whispers, and Stiles' hands freeze from where they snaking underneath his boyfriend's shirt.

"What?" Stiles asks, in disbelief. They have been dating for six months, and already said the 'I love you's', but he didn't think they were already at this part of their relationship. Derek sits up, he is a comfortable weight on Stiles' lap, and looks like he cannot believe what he said either.

"Fuck. I didn't mean to say it." Derek says, running his head through his hair. Stiles rests his hands on Derek's thigh to keep him from running away. When he first asked Stiles on a date, he literally ran away before Stiles could scream an embarrassingly loud 'yes' in his face.

"So you don't want to marry me?" Stiles asks, confused and a lot hurt. Derek looks like he is about to be in a full blown panic attack.

"No! I wanted to ask at a better time!" Derek says, and he evens taps his hands on Stiles' chest in a mini hissy fit. Stiles bites his lip to keep from laughing because Derek looks very upset with himself.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now