Chapter 173

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Shawn opted to stay in the room when Juice left to wait for the call from the Irish. It was crowded out in the bar and she wasn't in the mood to socialize. Her back was still hurting her. All Shawn wanted to do was go home and sleep in her own bed.

A lot of shouting from down the hall startled Shawn. She got up as fast as she could with her pregnant belly and went over to the door to see what was happening. The door was no sooner opened before Juice grabbed Shawn's wrist tightly and began pulling her down the hall.

"Juice?" Shawn asked in a scared tone as the severity of the situation settled in. "What's happening?"

"We got to go. Now! Run! C'mon!" He shouted back as he pulled her more.

She ran after him as fast as she could. They passed Chibs, who gave them each a light push towards the door.

"Jackie!" Chibs screamed.

Shawn turned back to see Jax come running from the hallway with Abel in his arms. She was only able to look for a moment before Juice pulled her in front of him and pushed her out the door. Everyone else who had been inside the clubhouse had ran over to the garage. Juice and Shawn ran in that direction with Jax, Abel and Chibs right behind them. Before they could reach the others, the ground shook as they heard the sound of the clubhouse exploding.

Juice grabbed Shawn and pulled her to the ground as he covered her with his body. Shawn screamed as they left the heat of the fire, partially because it had scared her, but mostly because of the terrible pain that ripped through her abdomen.

When it seemed like the explosion was over, Juice looked towards what was left of the now burning clubhouse. Shawn didn't. She had closed her eyes and was trying to breath through the pain she felt.

"Are you okay?" Juice asked her when he looked back.

Shawn shook her head. "I think something's wrong."

"What? Is it the baby?" He asked with concern. She nodded and then cried out as another wave of pain hit her. Juice looked towards the crowd of people. "Tara!"

Tig and Tara rushed over to where Shawn was still kneeling with Juice.

"What's wrong, baby?" Tig asked, but Shawn couldn't answer until the pain began to subside.

"I don't know," she answered.

"Sit back," Tara told her. Shawn noticed for a brief moment that Tara was still holding Thomas. With Tig and Juice's help, she was able to move from her knees to a sitting position. "Her water broke."

"What?" Shawn asked in a panic. "It's too early! She's not ready."

"It's going to be okay," Tara assured her. She looked over to someone and Shawn followed her gaze to see Eli Roosevelt. "She's going to need an ambulance."

"How'd you get here so fast?" Shawn asked.

"I was already here," he told her. He pushed a button on the radio clipped to his uniform. "I need an ambulance at Teller Morrow Automotive."

Shawn tuned out the rest of what Eli was saying. She looked at Juice who looked worried.

"I am so sorry," he told her. "I thought you were safe here."

"This isn't your-" Shawn started, but was cut off by another contraction. The arrival of fire trucks even barely got her attention.

Tig began to rub her back. "C'mon, Shawnie. You got to do that breathing thing they teach you in birthing class."

"I didn't go to birthing class," she managed to get out as the pain started to fade.

"Of course you didn't," Tig commented, trying to make light of the situation. "You were always too cool for school. Why would you go to birthing class?"

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