Chapter 92

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SAMCRO had to get back to work as the lockdown continued. The guys left the clubhouse to find Zobelle and Gemma and Tara left to run errands. Tara had asked Shawn if she liked to go, but Shawn declined. She wanted to stay at the clubhouse with Lyla and the kids. Shawn was at the pool table with Kenny and Piper, trying to teach them how to play, but they were perfectly happy rolling the balls across the table with their hands. It ended up being a game of the boys against Shawn as they all flung the pool balls across the table at each other until Shawn's arms grew tired.

"Okay, okay," Shawn relented. "You guys win. I'm beat. You two play."

Piper and Kenny laughed as they started rolling the balls back and forth to each other. Shawn shook her head and sat on the couch with Lyla and Ellie.

"I don't know how you keep up with them," Lyla said to Shawn. "I would have lasted about ten seconds before sitting down."

"I grew up with Jax and Opie. I had no choice but to keep up," Shawn told her. "Your turn, El."

Ellie looked at her skeptically.

"Go show them what girls are made of!" Lyla encouraged her. Ellie stood and walked over to the table. Lyla turned her attention to Shawn.

"How you doing?"

"I could use a full night of sleep in my own bed. I'd be in the dorm sleeping now, but I'm too wired."

"Once the guys get this done you can go home. I'm sure Juice knows just how to tire you out," Lyla smirked.

"Lyla! Not here," Shawn complained.

"Seriously? Still? I saw you two come walking down the hall together."

"He almost kissed me last night in front of the guys, but Hale interrupted him."

"Shawn, you got to tell them. It's too-"

"It's not me. I wanted to tell them after he was arrested, but he's worried about being unprotected if they go back in," Shawn told her. Lyla made a disapproving face. "What?"

"I don't know. It's just so damn complicated."

"Tell me about it. Hey, you been talking to Opie?"

Lyla smiled. "Actually, we've been doing a little more than that."

Shawn turned in her seat to look at Lyla. "Are you telling me that I was kidnapped and being held in a closet while you were getting laid?"

Lyla's smile vanished. "Oh, shit. I'm a terrible friend. Are you mad?"

"No. Actually I'm impressed," Shawn said. Lyla laughed as her phone rang. She showed Shawn the screen so she could see it was Opie.

"Speak of the Devil." Lyla answered the phone, but handed it to Shawn a moment later. "He wants to talk to you."

Shawn looked at the phone confused, but took it from Lyla. "Ope? Everything okay?"

"No. Can you get to Jax's?"

"Yeah, I'll leave right now. What happened?"

There was a long pause. "Someone we used to work with... Took Abel."

"Jesus Christ. Okay, I'm coming right now." Shawn practically threw the phone back at Lyla.

Tig had left her keys on the bar and Shawn grabbed them as she ran out. Piney tried stopping her, but she quickly told him that Opie had called and he let her go. Shawn drove like a bat out of hell to Jax's house. There were police cars there, forcing Shawn to park a couple of houses down. She got out of the car and didn't bother to check her parking job. She rushed into the house and saw the guys all crowded into the living room. Opie was closest to the door, waiting for her.

"He's in Abel's room," Opie told her and Shawn turned down the hall. Opie followed her. She entered the baby's room and saw Jax with his back to her as he leaned against the crib. Tara was sitting on a futon. She looked up as Shawn walked in. Her face was tear stained. Hale was sitting next to her. He stood and excused himself. Shawn approached Jax, who still hadn't turned away from the crib, and rested her hand on his shoulder.


"Don't say it'll be alright," Jax told her flatly.

"I wasn't going to." Jax finally looked up at her. His eyes glistened with tears.

"He took my son." Shawn's eyes filled with her own tears and she nodded.

"I know. I am so sorry." Jax pushed away from the crib and turned towards Shawn. He pulled her to him as he cried. Opie stepped towards them and rested his hands on each of their shoulders. Tara stood from the futon.

"I'll give you three a minute." She left and Opie guided Shawn and Jax over to the futon. He sat first, then Shawn sat in the middle and leaned against Opie. Jax sunk down and rested his head on her shoulder. The three friends sat like that for awhile, until Hale came back to the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but this is an official crime scene. We're going to need everyone to leave so we can process everything."

"I thought you knew who took Abel?" Shawn asked and Hale glanced at Opie.

"I got it," Opie told him and he left. "I, uh, didn't tell you something earlier. The Irishman who took Abel also killed Half Sack. He's in the kitchen. I was standing there when you walked in so you couldn't see him like that."

Shawn opened her mouth to speak, but her words failed her. She closed her mouth again and wiped away more tears. Tara appeared in the doorway and Jax sat up.

"I packed some of our things," Tara told Jax. "Clay says we can stay at the clubhouse."

Jax nodded and she left, again. Everyone began to leave. Shawn caught Juice's eye on the way out and he gave her a nod. Tig insisted on following Shawn home. She parked in her garage and walked back to where Tig was waiting on his bike. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I know it's a shit time to say this, but I'm happy you're home and safe, Shawnie," Tig told her. "You want me to crash here tonight? Keep an eye on things?"

"No, Dad, that's okay. I'm going to shower and pass out. I'll be fine." Tig nodded and got ready to leave, but Shawn stopped him. "Dad? Thank you. You know, for coming to get me."

"Of course, baby. I love you."

"I love you, too." Shawn went inside and sat on one of her kitchen stools. She knew it was only a matter of time before Juice showed up. He walked in ten minutes later and saw her at her kitchen island, looking a little lost. She turned and looked at him with a sad smile. Juice felt like his heart could explode. Even with everything she had been through and with Abel missing, the fact that she could offer him up any kind of a smile was amazing. Juice stepped towards her and kissed her.

"You okay?" He asked. "That's a stupid question. Of course you're not okay. No one's okay right now."

"I'm numb I think. I'm so physically and emotionally exhausted I just can't feel anything right now."

"Let's go to bed," Juice offered.

"I just want to shower first," Shawn said and stood from the stool, but stumbled a bit as she did. Juice looked at her with concern. She just shook her head.

"I'm okay. Like I said, just tired."

"When was the last time you ate? They fed you while you were there, right?" Juice said and tried to hide his anger.

"Polly fed me when she could."


"Zobelle's daughter," Shawn told him and Juice winced.

"Go shower and I'll make you something to eat, okay?" Juice offered. "You can eat it in bed."

Shawn nodded and gave him a quick kiss before going upstairs. Juice leaned against the counter and sighed. He knew he was going to have to tell Shawn that Gemma had killed Polly and was now on the run, but he couldn't bring himself to do it right then. She had already been through so much.

The water upstairs turned on. Juice ran his hand over his face before going over to the fridge to find her food.

Spark in the DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora