Chapter 79

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Shawn went back to the studio after getting lunch and stopping to get somethings for the dog Jax brought. She went back into her office and was working hard to make up for the bad job she had done that morning. Helping Juice had really helped change her mood. Shawn was so involved in her work, that she almost didn't notice the popping sounds coming from out in the parking lot. The commotion of the dog barking and everyone else in the studio hearing the sound is what really got Shawn's attention. She pulled up the view from the camera out in the parking lot on her laptop and saw Gemma giving Tara a shooting lesson.

Shawn rolled her eyes and shook her head before getting back to work. It wasn't long before she was interrupted, again. This time by Ima screaming.

"Shawn!" Ima's voice shrieked as she came down the hall to her office. Shawn stood from her desk and rushed to the door.

"What?" Shawn asked in a panic.

"That fucking skank just pointed a gun at me!"

Shawn stared at Ima for a second. "And?"

"Aren't you going to do something about it?"

"She didn't shoot you, did she?"

"Well, no, but-" Ima began, but one of the other girls interrupted her.

"Ima! You might want to go back out there. They're shooting up your car!"

"Oh, son of a bitch," Shawn said to herself as everyone rushed out to the parking lot. Shawn followed, but at a much slower pace. By the time she got outside and worked her way to the front of the crowd that had formed outside the door, Gemma and Tara were done shooting. Shawn sent everyone back inside and walked over to Ima's car, which was now riddled with bullet holes. Shawn glared at Tara and Gemma. "Really?"

Tara suddenly looked uncomfortable. Gemma feigned innocence.

"What?" Gemma asked.

"You shot up her car?" Shawn asked.

"You're not mad we shot up her car," Gemma argued.

"No. I'm mad I have to deal with Ima now that you shot up her car."

"Call the garage. They'll fix it," Gemma told her.

"Fine," Shawn said and headed for the studio door. One more shot rang out and Shawn stopped and gave Gemma an incredulous look.

"Sorry," Tara said and Shawn looked at her instead. "I just... wanted to do one more."

Shawn finally smiled and shook her head as she headed inside. She could hear Tara and Gemma's laughter as the door closed. Sitting back down at her desk, she pulled out her phone and called TM.

"Teller-Morrow," Jax's voice came through the phone after several rings.

"You answer the phone now?" Shawn asked in surprise.

"No one else was around and the ringing was getting on my nerves. Something wrong with the dog? Or are you looking for Gemma?"

"Oh, no, the dog is fine. And I know exactly where your mother is," Shawn said sarcastically. Jax picked up on her tone.

"Ah, shit. What she do?"

"Not just her. Your girlfriend, too. They're here having a little target practice."

Jax sighed. "What did they shoot?"

"Ima's car."

"Son of a bitch."

"Someone's going to need to tow it."

"I'll send Sack with the truck."

"And you'll fix it for free," Shawn informed him

"I can't fix it for free, Shawn. I'll discount it," Jax argued.

"For free."

"At cost?"

"Free!" Shawn shouted.

"Sometimes I hate you," Jax lied.

"You do not. I got to go. See ya."


Shawn hung up and told Ima about TM fixing her car for free.

"That's it?" Ima asked. "That's all you're going to do to fix this?"

"Yup," Shawn answered bluntly.

"You know I dry out under stress," Ima threatened.

"That's what lube is for," Shawn told her and walked back to her office with a smirk on her face.

* * *

Shawn went home that night, excited for Juice to come over so she could tell him about the rest of her day. He always got a kick out of Shawn's stories about Ima and found it fascinating that Shawn was allowed to yell at Jax without Jax getting mad. Tonight she had a story that contained both.

She changed her clothes and went to the kitchen to decide on what to make for dinner. Shawn decided on chicken salad, that way they could eat it cold whenever he got there. Once she was done with that, Shawn went into the living room to watch TV until Juice arrived. But hours went by and Juice never showed.

Shawn got hungry and ate without him. Then, eventually, she also got tired and went to bed. As she laid there, she tried not to be disappointed. The only other time Juice hadn't shown up, it was because of a really good reason. Shawn told herself that he was just busy with the club. She convinced herself that he was okay and she would see in the next day. But, deep down, Shawn somehow knew that it wasn't true.

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