Chapter 76

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The next morning, they checked out of the hotel early. Juice wasn't sure when the guys would be back and he wanted to make sure they got home first. Juice dropped Shawn off at her place and then went to the clubhouse. She had a few things she needed to get done that day, including grocery shopping. The more Juice hung around her place, the higher her grocery bill seemed to be, not that she minded. Having someone there to feed made it easier for Shawn to remember to eat, too. If left to her own devices, Shawn would probably only eat once a day. She had long gotten over her issues with food. Sometimes she honestly just forgot.

It wasn't until midway through the afternoon that she finally arrived at the clubhouse. Shawn had promised to stop by to see Tig when they got back. She entered the clubhouse and saw her dad standing in the doorway of the chapel with his back to her.

"Hey, Shawn," Juice casually greeted her as she passed the bar. He was sitting there with his laptop in front of him. Shawn wondered for a moment what he did on there all day.

"Hi, Juice." Tig had turned when Juice said her name. He began to walk towards her. Shawn noticed he had only a slight limp. "Well, your leg doesn't look that bad. You're barely even limping."

"Oh, yeah? Wanna see it?" Tig said and reached for his belt buckle.

"I'll take a hard pass on that."

Tig laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Help your old man to the bar, would ya?"

Shawn rolled her eyes, but walked over to the bar with him. Tig sat on the stool to Juice's right and Shawn sat next to her father.

"Where's everyone else at?" She asked.

"Some already went home for the day. Half Sack is out becoming Whole Sack," Chibs answered her. He was sitting on the other side of Juice.

"He's... what?" Shawn asked, very confused.

"He's getting a neuticle," Juice answered.

"Gesundheit," Shawn said as a joke and Juice smiled at her. Chibs saw them smiling at each other and wondered how Tig could be so blind. He stood from his seat.

"Getting another beer," he said. "Anyone else while I'm up?"

"Me and Shawn," Tig answered.

"I guess I'm drinking then," Shawn said.

"You're going to need it once he tells you what the bounty hunters picked him up for," Clay said as he came out of the chapel.

"I'm suddenly too afraid to ask."

"Don't be," Tig said as Chibs handed him and Shawn each a bottle of beer.

"If Clay thinks it's bad, it must be bad."

"Assault and indecent exposure inside of a live stock transport," Tig informed her.

Juice and Chibs watched as Shawn realized what the charge meant and her face contorted in disgust. They both started laughing.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" Shawn asked her father.

"I've been asking him that for years," Clay said and he drank his own beer. "Still no answer."

"Don't be so hard on him," Chibs told her. "You and him aren't all that different."

"I sincerely hope that's not true," Tig said as he took a drink.

"I think that's called karma," Clay told him.

"Wait," Shawn said. "How are we not all that different?"

"I've seen the work you do at Cara Cara. You two think the same way," Chibs explained. "The only difference between you and him is that when you get a dirty impulse, you make it into a porno. When he gets a dirty impulse, he doesn't have that outlet, so he acts on it."

Juice looked at Shawn first, then Tig. They had the same look on their face. Their mouths were both slightly open and eyes narrowed as they looked down at the bar and realized in horror that what Chibs was saying was true. Shawn began to look back up at Tig and Tig looked back. They made eye contact for only a second when Shawn stood from her seat.

"I have to go," she told them.

Tig had stood up only half a second after she did. "Yeah, I got shit to do."

Juice, Chibs, and Clay watched in amusement as Shawn walked out of the clubhouse. Then they turned to see Tig going down the hall. Once they were both out of site, the three began to laugh loudly.

* * *

Later that night, Juice walked in Shawn's back door. She was sitting at her kitchen island on her laptop.

"Hey," he greeted her. "What are you working on?"

"Not anything porn related, that's for damn sure," she said and closed the laptop.

"You still not over what Chibs said?"

"Something about finding out that I have the same sexual appetites as my father somehow makes me never want to do anything related to sex ever again. Seriously. I'm thinking I might become a nun."

"That would be interesting. I've never thought a nun was sexy before. Do it and let's see what happens."

"It doesn't bother you that you've basically been having sex with Tig for the last year?"

Juice answered her by pulling her off the stool and into his arms where he kissed her. He lets his lips travel across her jawline and to her ear. He moaned into her ear. "Mmm, Tig."

Shawn pushed him away. "Stop it!"

Juice started to laugh so hard to had to lean in the counter for support. "I'm sorry, but you should have seen the look on your face."

"You're a dick."

"Yeah, but you love me, anyways. And I love you even though you're a sexual deviant like your dad," Juice said and hugged her. "I do have one question, though."

"What's that?"

"You've never done it with a dead body... right?"

"No, male bodies can't do that because there has to be blood flowing in order them to get a hard on."

"I am horrified that you've thought about this," Juice said seriously.

"Wait, are you saying my dad has?" Shawn asked.

"It's just a rumor," Juice told her, but Shawn didn't look convinced. "Why don't we make dinner, watch a horror movie, and then not have sex tonight?"

"Probably for the best. Because I swear to God if you moan his name, again-"

"I won't, promise. C'mon, woman, I'm starving."

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