Chapter 39

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Shawn stuck around the hospital for awhile with Gemma. Jax showed up a few hours later and he and Gemma talked about Tristan's rape. As it turned out, SAMCRO was looking for her rapist and it had become some kind of race between them and the police.

"I was talking to Tristan earlier," Shawn said, getting their attention. "It seemed like she was about to tell me something. Maybe if I try again, she tell me who did it?"

"Karen let you talk to her?" Gemma asked.

"Yea, she trusts me."

Jax looked at Gemma, then nodded. "Worth a shot."

Shawn went back to Tristan's room. Karen was in the hall, telling off David Hale. Shawn pointed at the door and Karen nodded to give her permission to go in. Tristan looked relieved when she saw her.

"Feeling any better?" Shawn asked.

Tristan shook her head. "No."

Shawn sat down next to her on the bed like she had earlier. "Anything I can do?"

"I was thinking about what you said. About being trapped in your own head?" Shawn noddded. "How did you get out?"

"I guess... I guess I didn't, actually," Shawn answered honestly.

"Why are you trapped in your head?"

"My stepmom used to say some really awful things to me. That's why me and my sisters don't get along. See, we have different moms and my stepmom was their real mom, so, they believed the things she said."

"Awful things like what?"

"Things about me. Things that I know now aren't true, but when I was younger, I believed her, too."

"So, if you're still trapped, how did you get better?"

"I figured, if I couldn't get out, maybe it was time to let someone else in. I told my dad the things she was saying and he took care of it."

"I don't think that will help me."

"Why not?"

"My mom says if I tell someone what happened, that things could get worse."

"What if I promised you that they wouldn't get worse? If you tell me what happened, I can make sure that whoever did this to you, never hurt you or anyone else ever again."


"Only if you want me to."

Tristan nodded. "I had just gotten off a ride. I waited for my parents, but didn't see them anywhere. I went to look for them. This guy came out of no where. He hit me and then pulled me into the trees."

"Do you know who it was?"

"The guy dressed up like a clown. He was at the dunk tank earlier."

"Oh, my God." Shawn said to herself. She leaned in and kissed Tristan's forehead. "You did the right thing. Here, give me your phone. I'll put my number in it and you can call or text me anytime you want, ok? Day or night."

"Thank you, Shawn."

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

Karen came back in and Shawn left. She hurried back to Abel's room where Jax was waiting.

"What happened?" Jax asked as soon as he saw her.

"She told me everything. It was the clown guy from the dunk tank."

"Jesus Christ. I have to go," Jax said and gave Shawn a quick hug before jogging down the hall.

"Gem? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Earlier that day, I had an encounter with that guy. He said some sick shit so I dunked him and held him under water for a few seconds. And then later, I waved to Tristan. What if he saw me do that? What if he did that to her to get back at me?"

"Don't even think that, baby. This is not your fault. You are drawing a line between two dots that don't even exist."

"Ok," Shawn agreed, but Gemma knew she was still beating herself up over it.

"Why don't we head out? Get some dinner before calling it a night?"

"Yea, that sounds good."

Gemma led Shawn out of the building, where Karen was standing. Gemma took a look at her and then back to Shawn.

"I'll meet you at Hannah's? Get a booth."

"Oh, ok."

Shawn went to her car and drove to Hannah's Diner. On the way, she pulled out her phone to see if she had any messages. Then she did something she had only ever done once. She called Juice. Shawn had only ever called him that one time to fix her laptop. Any other time she needed to get ahold of him, she would text. Just in case he was with the guys and couldn't talk.

The phone rang a few times and then went to voicemail. She debated on leaving him a message, but decided against it. The guys were probably looking for the carnie guy. She'd see him later anyways.

Shawn walked into the diner and sat in a booth. Gemma arrived 15 minutes later. They talked and ate and by the time the bill came, Shawn wasn't feeling quite as shitty. Gemma paid for dinner, even though Shawn tried to protest. She drove home and hoped to see a bike in her garage as the door opened, only to be disappointed to find it empty. She went inside and decided to get ready for bed. It was already late. If he wasn't there yet, he may not come at all. This was, however, the first time he said he'd be there and then didn't show up, so Shawn decided to cut him some slack. The club obviously had more important things to be doing.

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