Chapter 53

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Shawn sat in a room at the police station, drumming her fingers on the table in front of her. She had been sitting there for at least a half an hour and no one had said a word to her. There were people milling around the station on the other side of the window in the room she was in. She saw Stahl come into view.

"Can I get a bottle of water, please?" Shawn yelled to them. She figured if she had to be there, she might as well be the biggest pain in the ass as possible. "I have a very low tolerance for dehydration."

Stahl came into the room a minute later and placed a bottle of water in front of her. Shawn grabbed it and opened it to take a drink.

"So, Miss Trager," Stahl began as she took a seat across from Shawn. "What a shame you were born a girl, huh? If you had been a boy, you could have joined the MC and been in on all the secrets."

"Is this really what you brought me here to talk about? Because I'm actually pretty ok with the whole not having a penis thing, but thanks for asking."

Stahl smiled and took a photo out of a folder she carried in and place it in front of Shawn. Shawn looked at a picture of Unser's old squad car in the middle of a high school football field.

"Look familiar?"

"Nope. But I really hope the officer responsible for that was charged with reckless driving. I think he went a little left of center."

"That would be a good charge to add on wouldn't it? But it won't be an officer charged. It'll be you instead."

Shawn laughed. "I think I would actually enjoy seeing you try to pin that shit on me."

"I won't even have to try. Just answer a few other questions for me and we'll pretend like this never happened," Stahl said and took the photo back.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Then I guess I'll just have to have a talk with David Hale."

"You mean another talk with him," Shawn corrected her.

"Yes. Another talk to see if there's anything else he can remember about a night he saw you outside your old alma mater's football field where the chief of police's patrol car was found the next day."

"Go right ahead. I don't know anything about it."

"And if Hale is willing to say in court that he saw you behind the wheel of that vehicle?"

"Then my lawyer will just have to argue that Hale is nothing but a scorned little boy who is still pissed I wouldn't fuck him in high school. Go ahead. Ask anyone who was around back then. They can tell you all about it."

"I'm impressed, Shawn," Stahl said, leaning back in her seat. "Really. I am. Gemma relies on being intimidating to get by. Tara hides her profession to look innocent. The other's are too stupid to do anything really, but you? You're actually very smart. You know how this game is played and you play it well, don't you?"

Shawn shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about. Charge me with something or let me go."

"Fair enough," Stahl said and stood. She opened the door to the room and turned back to Shawn. "You're free to go."

Shawn stood and walked passed her. She started for the door, but Stahl called to her.

"What?" Shawn said, turning back to her. Stahl walked towards her and stopped a little to close for Shawn's comfort.

"You better hope I don't find evidence to tie you to this or any of the Sons' other crimes. Because you will go to prison. And from what I hear, prison food makes you fat," Stahl said with a smug grin.

Shawn's eyes grew wide and her hand clenched into a fist. Before she could think to stop herself, Shawn pulled her fist back and then hit Stahl in the face. Stahl fell to the floor and an officer quickly grabbed Shawn before she could hit her, again.

"Wow, assaulting a federal agent?" Stahl asked her, once she recovered.

"Worth it. Stupid bitch," Shawn said and spit on Stahl. The officer pushed Shawn so she would walk and took her to a cell.

* * *

Shawn was in one cell with Luanne in another on her left and Cherry across from her. No one had said anything to her the rest of the day, so she still didn't know if she would be charged with assault. Shawn almost felt bad for hitting her, but not because she hurt her. Mostly just because this would be her second assault charge and she didn't think she'd just get an anger management class as punishment. Also because she had done exactly what Stahl wanted. Stahl clearly knew about her temper and past of having an eating disorder.

Shawn and Luanne talked here and there. Cherry mostly kept to herself, but it was clear that she was freaking out.

She laid on the cot in her cell and stared at the ceiling. It was pretty late, but Shawn didn't think she'd be able to sleep. From down the hall, they could hear a commotion as a lot of officers rushed out of the building and the sirens from outside. A minute later, Jax was there, letting himself into where they were being kept.

He gave Shawn an upwards nod and went to talk to Luanne. When he was done, he turned to Shawn.

"Hitting a fed? Really?" Jax asked.

"She told me prison food was going to make me fat."

"Jesus Christ. Look, Unser talked to Hale. You're not going to be charged because Hale is willing to say that Stahl instigated you hitting her. They'll let you out in the morning as long as you don't do anything stupid."

"Yes, Dad," she said sarcastically.

Jax turned to Cherry. "What are they asking you?"

"Jax, you gotta get me out of here, man," Cherry said. They argued, but Jax eventually used a key to let her out.

"Are you insane?" Shawn asked him.

Jax ignored her question. "See you in the morning."

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