Chapter 68

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Shawn's phone began to ring, waking her for the second time that night. Then she opened her eyes and realized it was now morning. She groaned as she grabbed her phone.

"Son of a bitch," she said and looked to see who it was before answering. "I swear to God, Jax, this better be important."

"Sorry," he said as he laughed. "You getting laid or something?"

"No. My phone just keeps ringing and waking me up."

"Turn it off then, genius."

"What do you want?" Shawn complained.

"Gemma got in a car accident last night. We're going to head over to St. Thomas to see her. Want to go?"

"Why are you asking me to go to the hospital like it's some kind of social event?"

"We're all going. It'll be fun."

"Your mother was in a car accident," Shawn said deadpanned.

"She's okay. Just banged up. Look, you coming or not?" Jax said without losing his humor.

"Fine. You pricks need someone there to keep you from running amuck."

* * *

The elevator doors opened and Shawn saw Jax standing at a counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Opie was with him, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. Opie gave Shawn an upwards nod and Jax turned to look at her as she approached.

"I hear your here to keep us in line," Opie said to her.

"Well, with Gemma down I figured someone here had to be an adult," Shawn told him.

"Oh, please," Jax told her as he grabbed a container of powdered coffee creamer. "Opie is more of an adult than both of us."

"He willingly goes by the name Opie," Shawn joked making Jax laugh and Opie actually smile for once. She then watched as Jax continued to pour creamer into his drink. "Jesus Christ. You putting enough creamer in that?"

Jax turned towards her and smiled as he continued to pour. "Not all of us like our coffee as black as our souls, Shawn."

"Stop it. That's gross."

"And you think you're more of an adult than me?" Opie asked sarcastically.

Jax finally put the creamer down and began to stir it. Shawn watched as he then lifted the drink to his lips. He took a drink and tried to not make a face.

"Mmm," he said. "Just the way I like it."

"Is it though? Or is it kind of like drinking sand?" Shawn asked him.

Jax ignored her and looked around. "Where'd everyone else go anyway?"

"I don't know. I'll go look for them," Opie said and walked away.

"Tig and Clay are down the hall in a waiting room if you want to go there," Jax told her.

"That's ok. I'm going to go find Gemma."

"Tara told us to wait here."

"Yeah, well, you know me. I do what I want," Shawn said.

Jax nodded. "Yeah."

They heard a commotion coming from around the corner and they both turned their heads to see Bobby on a gurney being wheeled around by Half Sack, Chibs, and Juice. Shawn raised her eyebrow and smirked at Juice. He smiled back and winked. Opie walked behind them at a slower pace.

"At least you're more of an adult than them," Opie pointed out.

"Thank God," Shawn laughed. "I'll be back."

Shawn walked down the hall and around the corner. Jax waited until she was out of site before turning towards Half Sack.

"Sack, get me another coffee. This thing is disgusting."

"Told you so!" Shawn shouted from around the corner.

"Goddammit!" Jax shouted back.

Shawn found a nurse's station and asked for Gemma's room. The nurse gave her a room number and Shawn found the room and walked in without knocking. Gemma gave her a dirty look as she entered the room.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Shawn asked.

"You know how to knock?" Gemma asked her back.

Shawn gave her a skeptical look. "Do you?"

"Funny," Gemma said and tried to shift in her seat on the exam table. She winced in pain.

"You need some help?" Shawn asked.

"Could you just help me up?"

"Sure," Shawn walked over and took Gemma's arm. She helped Gemma stand and once she was on her feet Shawn let her go, but Gemma grabbed her arm before she pulled away. She then pulled Shawn into a hug and held her there for a few moments. Gemma eventually pulled away and Shawn looked at her. "Gem? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm-," Gemma hesitated. "I'll be fine."

Shawn wasn't convinced and now she felt guilty over not being concerned about Gemma originally. She wasn't sure what to do. Gemma was always so strong. Shawn didn't know how to comfort her. Her guilt suddenly doubled when she realized how much Gemma had been there for her in the past. With her own mother gone and her stepmother being a real piece of work, Shawn had often gone to Gemma for things most girls talked to their moms about. Gemma always seemed to know just what to say to make Shawn feel better and now Shawn had no idea what to say to her.

"Do you want me to go or...?"

"Why don't you sit with me for awhile?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah. Okay," Shawn said and took a seat.

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