Chapter 95

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When Shawn saw Tig's number on her phone the next morning, she could only assume one of the other guys told him about the shooting. She desperately didn't want to talk about it and considered not answering. Not wanting to be selfish and make him worry more, Shawn answered.

"Hey, Dad."

"Shawnie? You alright? I heard about the drive by."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Whoever told you about the shooting didn't tell you I hadn't gotten hurt?"

"Nah, he did. Said Kozik pulled you down. That prick."

"He's a prick for not letting me get hurt?" Shawn asked amused. She knew that wasn't what he had meant.

"No, he did the right thing by pulling you down. I just think he's still a prick," Tig explained.

"Who called you anyways? Bobby?"

"No, Juice did." Shawn sat up a little straighter. Why would Juice be the one to call Tig? And why would he specifically tell him about Kozik being the one who grabbed her? He had been at Shawn's the night before, but he hadn't said much. When he did, he had been short with her. He had obviously been angry. Shawn assumed about the shooting. She hadn't appreciated him taking it out on her, but hadn't said anything. Juice had a lot on his mind and she didn't want to make it worse. Now, she wondered if something else was bothering him.

"Oh, okay," she said lamely. "How's Gemma?"

"She's alright. We're up at her Dad's place. Her mom passed away and she wanted to be there for him. Speaking of which," Tig paused for a moment before talking quieter, "she doesn't know about Abel. So, if she calls you, you have to act like Abel is okay, got it?"

"Jesus, Dad. She doesn't know her grandson has been kidnapped?"

"No, and she doesn't need to. Not right now. Got it?" Tig said sternly. Shawn lightly scoffed.

"Yeah, sure. Got it."

"What have you been doing to keep busy?"

"Well, my house is the cleanest it's ever been."

"Oh, yeah? If you get bored you can go clean mine," Tig told her.

"I'm too terrified of what I'd find in there," Shawn told him honestly and he laughed.

"I got to go, kid. Your potential new stepmother is making eyes at me."

"Huh? You talking about Gemma or her dad?" Shawn asked, confused by the sudden change of subject.

"Her dad's caretaker."

"As long as she's at least ten years older than me."

"Okay, maybe she's not your new stepmother."

"Gross. Go away."

"Love you, doll."

"Love you, too," Shawn said and hung up. She looked at her phone in disgust for a moment before dropping it back on her table. "Gross."

* * *

Shawn awoken to the sound of someone trying to open the backdoor, followed by the sound of someone knocking a moment later. She must have nodded off on the couch while watching tv and forgot to unlock the door for Juice. She stood from the couch and went into the kitchen to open the door for him.

"Hey," she greeted him.

"Hi," he replied and walked in. After he shut the door and relocked it, Juice pulled a piece of paper from his cut. "Thought you might like some good news."

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