Chapter 3

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Jax and Opie walked into the studio and looked around for either Juice or Shawn. Shawn saw them first and headed their way.

"Hey, no assholes in my studio. Get out!" Shawn called to them.

"What are you talking about? This place is full of assholes," Jax bantered back.

"We're not doing any anal stuff today," Shawn pretended to be confused by his statement.

"Alright, alright. Jesus," Opie complained. "Where's the Prospect?"

"Editing room."

"What do you think of him?" Jax asked.

"He's cute. Kinda got this deer in the headlights things going on."

"Yea, we gotta toughen him up a bit," Opie said.

"He's not usually too bad. I think he panicked when we told him he was working in a porn studio today," Jax explained.

"It's not for the faint of heart," Shawn said. "So, you talk to Bradley?"

"Oh yea," Jax said.

"I think he pissed himself when we walked in," Opie added.

"Thanks guys. I appreciate it," Shawn told them as Juice walked out of the room. "There he is."

Juice saw them and began to cross the studio towards them.

"Say, what are you doing tonight?" Jax asked Shawn. "You should stop by the clubhouse and have a drink with us. Maybe eat some dinner."

"Can't tonight, but I will one night this weekend."

"Got a date?" Opie asked. Shawn smiled as an answer. "He know what you do for a living?"

Shawn laughed. "No."

"Shit, he know what your dad does for a living?" Jax asked.

"Hell no." Shawn answered as Juice reached him.

"What's his name?" Jax asked.

"Why? So you can have this guy look him up?" Shawn asked as she motioned to Juice.

"I hadn't thought of that, but it is a good idea."

Shawn rolled her eyes. "Brent."

"Sounds like a douchebag," Opie observed.

"You don't even know him," Shawn argued.

"It is a douchebag name," Jax agreed.

"Is not."

"It kinda is," Juice agreed making Jax and Opie laughed.

"Whatever, I gotta get back to work."

"See ya, darling," Jax said and hugged her.

"Say hi to Donna and the kids for me," Shawn told Opie before she hugged him, too. Then she got to Juice. "Thanks for your help."

"Don't mention it," Juice told her.

"See ya around?" She asked.

"Yea, see ya," Juice nodded.

Shawn turned and walked back towards Luanne's office and the three men left.

"Prospect," Jax said as they walked towards their bikes. "You got a thing for Miss Trager in there?"

"What? No!"

"Good," Opie told him firmly. "She's off limits."

"Yea, of course," Juice agreed, but still felt disappointed. He already knew she would be off limits to him, but to actually hear someone say it still sucked.

Shawn sat in her seat in the office and noticed another post it she hadn't seen before. It was a note from Juice with his number just in case she needed more computer help. Shawn saved his number in her cell and went to toss the note in the trash. She had second thoughts and ended up putting the note in her purse instead. She was worried one of the other girls would find it and call him for a booty call. She opened her laptop and typed in the new password. Then she got distracted by her thoughts. Why did she care if one of the porn stars wanted to call him? A lot of the girls around here were Cro Eaters in their spare time. It never bothered her before. Still, she left the note in her purse instead of putting it in the trash can.

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