Chapter 47

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When Shawn was done at Cara Cara, she texted Juice to see if he was ready for her and he texted back his new address. Shawn only sort of knew the part of town he lived in, but still managed to find his place. As she pulled up, she saw him standing outside talking with two girls. Shawn assumed they must be the friendly neighbors Juice had mentioned. He saw her car and motioned so she would know where to park. She decided to back into the spot and was careful to not hit his Dyna that was parked close by.

Shawn got out of the car and started walking towards them, her high heels making a clicking sound on the pavement. She had purposely chosen to wear the same black dress and heels that she had on when they first met. Juice excused himself from his neighbors and met her in the middle.

"Are those the girls?" Shawn asked when they were close enough that she could say it quietly without them hearing. Juice nodded. She responded by putting her hands on his chest and pushing him back to where his bike was parked. Juice smiled broadly. When he felt his Dyna behind him, he sat on it and pulled her by her hips in between his legs.

Shawn placed her hands on either side of his neck as she closed the gap between them. She pressed her lips firmly to his. She pulled away just slightly so she could open her lips and let her tongue glide over his. His grip on her hips tightened. Juice broke their kiss and laid another kiss on her cheek before continuing on to her neck. Shawn sighed with pleasure before looking over at Juice's neighbors. Both girls were staring at them and looked uncomfortable with a hint of annoyance. Shawn gave them a smug smile. She moved her mouth back to his for one more firm kiss.

"Show me your place," Shawn said, a little breathless.

Juice just nodded and stood. He intertwined his fingers with her's and led her to his door.

"Have a good day, ladies" he said to his neighbors as he opened the door and held it open for Shawn to enter. He went inside after her and shut the door. "Wow."

Shawn had been looking around and turned towards him. "What?"

"You get jealous?" Juice asked, clearly amused.

"I'm not jealous," Shawn denied it.


"I'm not. I'm just a little," Shawn thought about her words, "territorial?"

"So, what? That was you marking your territory?"

"I said I would fix it and I did. It was either that or beating the shit out of one of them when they show up at your door in just a towel claiming they got locked out."

Juice was still smiling, but now he narrowed his eyes at her. "I think you've been working in porn for too long."

"You might be right about that," she agreed.

"You're right, though. Making out with me is better than... let's say, breaking their noses with a skateboard?" Juice said and Shawn looked at him confused. "That's what Gemma did to Cherry yesterday."

"Holy shit. I know Cherry was mouthy and annoying, but damn."

"Well, Clay sort of tapped that in Indian Hills."

"Clay cheated on Gemma?" Shawn asked, shocked.

Juice just shrugged. "He was on a run."

"And that makes it ok?" Shawn folded her arms across her chest.

"It's one of the rules. What happens on a run, stays on a run."

"You agree with that?"

"No," Juice told her firmly. He took a few steps towards her to close the distance between them. Placing his hand under her chin, Juice used his thumb to gently trace her jawline. "I don't need or want anyone else."

"Good because cheating... It's a deal breaker for me. On a run or not."

"Shawn," he started and raised his other hand so he could hold her, "Were you outside just a minute ago? Trust me, you keep me plenty happy. You have nothing to worry about."

"Ok," Shawn told him quietly. Juice leaned in to gently kiss her lips.

"Now, you want to see my place or not?" Shawn smiled and nodded. He let her go so she could look around. "So, this is the living room and I guess that area is supposed to be where I would put a table. I don't know what I'm going to use it for, yet."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out," Shawn told him as she looked at the boxes he had sitting around. "I didn't realize you had so much stuff."

"Yeah, I got some stuff when I first moved here. Gemma's been letting me keep most of it in the storage unit. I just got the couch and bed. Bobby offered me an extra couch he had, but I wanted something new."

"Good call. You ever been in Bobby's house? It's freakin' creepy."

"I have and, you're right. It is," Juice agreed while laughing.

"So, new couch and a new bed? Which one are we breaking in first?"

"I actually have an idea," Juice said and took her hand. "C'mere."

He led her up the steps to his room. Letting go of her hand, he picked up two game controllers off his dresser and tossed her one.

"You want to play video games?" Shawn asked incredulously.

"Everytime one of us dies, we have to take off a piece of clothing," Juice said with a smirk.

"You're such a boy," she said, laughing. "You have an unfair advantage, though. I've never played this before."

Juice's smile grew and Shawn rolled her eyes, but agreed to play. After a few rounds, Juice had lost his boots and shirt, while Shawn was still in her dress with just her shoes missing. She was sitting in between his legs and he had his arms around her with the controller in front of them.

"You have so done this before," Juice said grumpily when he died, again.

"I swear I haven't. I'm just hitting random buttons and hoping for the best. Don't be such a sore loser. Take off your pants."

Shawn moved so he could stand up and smiled as he undid his belt buckle.

"Tell you what, if I win the next round, you have to take it all off," Juice suggested as he took off his pants.

"And if I win?" Shawn challenged him.

"Then I have to take it all off you."

"So either way, I end up naked?"

"Sounds like a win/win to me." Juice sat back down and they started playing, again, but this time, Shawn died. "Did you do that on purpose?"

"I'll never tell."

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