Chapter 121

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After dinner, Juice and Shawn went back to her house and were sitting in the backyard, smoking a joint Juice had rolled for them.

"Is this new?" Shawn said and took another puff. "You didn't used to smoke this kind, right?"

"Right. I got this at that weed and colonic shop on Crestfield. Clear Passages?"

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I've seen it."

"I own 20%."

Shawn looked up at him incredulously. "Seriously?"

"Mm hmm," Juice nodded and took a hit.

"Okay. The weed? I get. But please tell me you didn't just get out of prison with a new found love of getting things shoved up your ass?"

Juice busted out laughing. "Jesus Christ, no! Though, a bunch of the guys liked to joke about Clay speed banging me in dark hallways."

"Really? Clay? I would have thought Tig."

"Nah, there's only one Trager allowed in my pants."

"Is that Trager going to get in those pants tonight?"

"I don't know," Juice said, sounding troubled. "She made me pay for own dinner."

Shawn narrowed her eyes and elbowed him hard in the side. Juice grunted, but laughed. He set the joint down on an ashtray and grabbed Shawn to pulled her on top of him so she was straddling him. He pushed his fingers through her hair and pulled her to his mouth.

"I love this," Juice said, a little breathlessly after their kiss. "We were able to just pick up right where we left off. Feels like I was never even gone."

"It's like we're meant to be together."

"We are," Juice said and kissed her, again.

Shawn's phone began ringing from inside her purse, which was sitting in the grass next to them.

"Ignore it," Shawn told him.

"What if it's important?" He asked.

"Then they can call you. I'm sure they know you're here." Shawn resumed kissing Juice as the phone rang. Once it stopped, Juice sat up and slipped his fingers under the hem of her shirt. "Maybe we should go inside? I have neighbors."

"Your yard is fenced in," Juice reasoned.

"They have windows on the second floor, you know! They could still see us."

"Nosey bastards."

Shawn stood off of Juice's lap and pulled him up. She grabbed her purse and he followed her into the house, kissing on the back of her head and neck on the way in. She dropped her bag on the kitchen island and turn towards him, but her phone rang, again, before their lips could touch.

"I'll just see who it is?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, you better. Just in case." Shawn pulled the phone out and saw Brent's name on the screen. She hit the button to silence the ringer. "You should talk to him."

"I did already," Shawn admitted. "He was in my office when I got to work this morning."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I sort of just forgot, I guess."

"What did he say?"

"It doesn't matter. He was hurt and got angry."

"Did you tell him about me?"

"He assumed. I told him I'm in love with you," Shawn said and smiled at him. She put her arms around his waist and pulled him to her. "Can we go upstairs now? Please?"

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