Chapter 48

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Shawn put on Juice's shirt and laid back down on his bed. Juice had gone to the kitchen to get them each a beer. He came back into the room and Shawn checked him out in only his boxers.

"That looks a lot better than the diaper."

"Oh, God. Don't remind me," he said and handed her her drink. He sat back down and she leaned against him.

"I can't believe you went to the grocery store."

"I went to the liquor store. Big difference," he told her and took a drink. "I was talking to Jax earlier. I guess they might take Abel out of the incubator tomorrow."

"Really? That's amazing," Shawn said excitedly.

"Yeah. It got me thinking, though. About us?"

Shawn sat up to look at him. "You're having second thoughts about telling them, aren't you?"

"No," Juice said quickly. "I want to tell them. I'm just trying to figure out how we're going to do it."

"Oh. Damn, you scared me," she admitted and resumed her position next to him. He kissed her temple as she did. "Well, we could tell Jax and Opie first? Then there's, like, a buffer between you and Tig?"

"We could. I kind of wanted to tell Tig first before anyone else found out, though. Seems more respectful, I guess."

"Do you want to tell him together? Or I can on my own. I don't really recommend you telling him alone."

"Together. I don't want to put that all on you."

"What if I called him and asked him to come to my place and you were there? You could park the bike out front so he sees it and knows you're there. I think he'll put two and two together pretty quick."

Juice nodded. "Hopefully he won't break too much of your stuff with my head."

"I won't let him do that to you."

"If it goes that way, just back off, alright? I can take care of myself and I don't want you getting hurt.

"You want me to stand there while you two beat the shit out of each other?"

"It'll be ok. Promise."

Shawn took a deep breath and blew it out. "Let's talk about something else."

"Ok," Juice agreed and looked around his new bedroom. "You know what would look good in here?"

"What's that?" she asked, confused. He didn't seem like the decorator type.

"A big ass mirror. Right on the ceiling."

Shawn cracked up laughing. "You would."

"Nah, I'm kidding."

"You're kidding, but I'm kind of into it."

Juice narrowed his eyes. "Really?"

Shawn bit her lip and nodded. Juice smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Then, Shawn suddenly had an idea.

"What if we went back to our original plan?" she asked him right before he kissed her. Juice had to think for a minute.

"You mean ease them into it? I thought Gemma catching on to us ruined that idea?"

"Is Gemma going to Kip's fight tonight?"

Juice looked thoughtful. "I doubt it. You want to go... together?"

"Maybe not together. But you go and then I'll go and we'll just be there at the same time."

"You know what? Let's do it," Juice agreed. "At least I'll get to see you in public for a change."

Shawn smiled and pecked his lips. "I have to go. I need different clothes. Can't exactly go to Lumpy's in a little black dress."

"I mean... you could," Juice said innocently.

"No!" Shawn said, laughing. She stood to took off Juice's shirt and tossed it at him. She started to get dressed.

"Pack some extra stuff and stay here tonight."

"I work in the morning."

"I promise not to keep you up too late."

Spark in the DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora