Chapter 142

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Shawn parked her car in the restaurant's parking lot the next afternoon. Lyla had texted an hour before to make sure they were still meeting for lunch. It was a nice day and Shawn could see Lyla was already there, sitting at a table on the patio there. She sat down across from Lyla.

"Hello, future Mrs. Ortiz," Lyla greeted her. "Are we still going across the street after this? Because I forgot that you need an appointment there to look at dresses and I sort of called and made you one right before you got here. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Actually, it's a good thing you did because I guess I'm getting married in two weeks," Shawn told her.


"Yeah. Gemma said we could have it at her dad's house in the garden and she'll plan it for us."

"Two weeks? We don't have time to eat. We need to get moving," Lyla said in an almost panic.

"What time is the appointment for?"

"Shit. Not for an hour."

"Calm down. We can eat then go over there. Don't forget that I'm pregnant. I need food."

"Fine. Eat fast. Then we have to go."

"I haven't even ordered, yet," Shawn said, now laughing at Lyla. "You weren't even this crazy when we were planning your wedding."

"I had over a year to plan mine," Lyla argued.

"Gemma's doing most of the work, anyways. All I'm supposed to do is find a dress, get rings, and the marriage license."

"And Gemma gets to pick everything else?"

"Well, I mean, I get final say over everything. Like she'll find a caterer and get menus. I just have to tell her which one."

"That helps, but we still need to jump on getting a dress. They have to order it and have to sent to you."

"Fine," Shawn said, relenting to her friend's impatience. "We'll order something that doesn't take that long to eat. Like salad even though I really wanted a burger."

"That's the spirit," Lyla laughed.

They ordered and ate quickly once their food arrived several minutes later. Once they paid their bill, Lyla practically dragged Shawn across the street. They got inside and Lyla went to talk to a girl behind a counter as Shawn looked at some of the dresses on display. The girl and Lyla approached her and the girl introduced herself as Gina. She began asking Shawn all sorts of questions as she took Shawn's measurements.

"What kind of wedding are you having?" Gina asked.

"Well, I'm getting married outside in a garden," Shawn answered the girl the best she could since she didn't have a lot of details about the wedding.

"Will it be formal?"

"Uh, not really, I guess. I mean, I'm sure everything will look lovely, but more than likely my groom is going to be wearing cargo pants, so..." Shawn said with a shrug.

"He's a Son," Lyla explained, "so, he'll have on a leather cut, too."

"Oh, it's probably important that you know that I'm pregnant, too."

"When's the wedding?" Gina asked.

"Two weeks," both Shawn and Lyla answered. Shawn sounded casual while Lyla sounded panicked, again.

Gina laughed. "We'll put a rush on it. I'll grab a few dresses and we can see what you like."

Shawn tried on everything Gina brought her. She was able to pick out details about each one that she liked or did not like to help narrow down her search. Lyla ended up being very little help. She loved everything Shawn put on and insisted every dress was the dress. Shawn tried on another dress. It was long with an empire waist, which Shawn liked because it would hide her pregnant belly if it decided to show up by that day. Also with the length, Shawn could get away with flats. Her only complaint was that it was covered in lace and strapless.

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