Chapter 172

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Juice hesitantly took his cut with him to TM. He wasn't sure how it would be received if he walked in without it, but he carried it in instead of wearing it so he wouldn't give anyone the impression he was back. They had driven there in Shawn's car since Juice had never bothered to pick up his bike from there over his two week absence. He figured it would need to be repainted anyway once he officially turned in his patch.

They walked in and saw the usual group of club members, hang arounds, and some family. It wasn't as full as it usually was for a lockdown though.

"You sure we need to be here?" Shawn asked quietly.

"That's what Tig said," Juice answered.

Jax saw them and approached them, followed by the rest of the guys. By the looks of it, they had been waiting for them to arrive.

"Put that on," Jax said as he nodded to the cut. "You ain't out, yet, and we need all the help we can get."

Juice didn't move to put the cut on. Instead he gave Jax a suspicious look. Tig touched his shoulder.

"You can help me out. We're looking for the guys who cut up Unser. Leave the IRA to the others, alright?"

Juice looked at Shawn and raised an eyebrow. She shrugged a shoulder, but nodded. Shawn figured if it was to help Unser, then it couldn't be too bad. Plus, if Juice had wanted to say no, he would have.

"Fine," Juice said and pulled the cut on. He turned to face her. "I'll be back once we're done. Stay here, alright?"

"Okay," Shawn agreed with a nod. Juice briefly kissed her and went outside with the rest of the guys.

"Go get off your feet," Tig told her as he passed her. "You look about ready to pop."

"Gee, thanks."

Once Juice and her father were gone, Shawn turned and looked around the clubhouse, but saw no one she was interested in speaking to. They had seen Tara outside with the boys on their way in and Shawn assumed Gemma was in the office. Lyla and Nero were no where to be found. Shawn wondered how serious the danger could be if they were allowed to stay at Diosa.

She walked down the hall and into one of the dorms rooms. After shutting the door, she laid down and turned on the small tv to keep herself entertained. The door opened after a little while and Gemma poked her head in.

"Hey, you need anything?" Gemma asked, sounding concerned.

"Nah, I'm good."

Gemma stepped the rest of the way into the room."I, uh, just wanted to say sorry. You know, for what happened a couple weeks ago. I heard Tara was naming Wendy as a guardian for the boys and kind of lost my shit."


"That's it? Okay?"

"Look, I'm not mad. I'm just... done."

"You and Juice still thinking about leaving?"

"Not thinking about it anymore. We are leaving. We have nothing against anyone. This just isn't a life we want anymore."

"Maybe you should think about making up with Jax and Tara before you go," Gemma suggested, but her tone indicated she wasn't happy with Shawn's answer. "Tara's pregnant, again. I'd hate for you to not be able see the kids when you come visit."

"I'll think about it," Shawn said. "Thanks for letting me know."

Gemma nodded and shut the door and Shawn went back to watching tv. Or she tried to at least. She couldn't stop wondering what would happen if they sent Tara to prison while she was pregnant.

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