Chapter 34

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Shawn had just finished changing her clothes. She was sitting on her bed with her laptop in front of her. It had been a long time since she worked from home and it was starting to catch up to her. She picked up her headphones off the nightstand to listen to music as she worked, but heard knocking coming from downstairs.

As she made her way down the hall and then the steps, Shawn realized the knocking was coming from the front door. She reached her first floor and looked out a window. Juice was there, but he never went to the front door anymore. He always pulled into the garage and came in the back. Shawn opened the door.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming over tonight. And why are you using the front door?"

"I'm not going to be here long," he explained. Shawn could tell he was upset.

"Alright," Shawn said feeling uneasy. She stepped to the side to allow him to come in. After shutting the front door, she had to ask. "So, you breaking up with me or what?"

"What? No."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Why didn't you tell me how sick you were?"

"What are you talking about? I told you about that," Shawn defended herself. "Why are you bringing this up right now?"

"You told me, but you didn't say how bad. Jax said you were skin and bone and that you almost died."

"You talked about me with Jax?"

"Yea. You didn't tell me that you guys hooked up either."

"Is that what he said?" Shawn asked, outraged. "He said we hooked up? Those were his exact words?"

"Well, no, he said you two messed around and he stopped when he saw you without your shirt on."

"So, you and Jax gossip about me like a couple of high school girls and you decide to what? Come here and yell at me?"

"I'm not yelling at you. I just want to know why you didn't tell me."

"Because everyone knows, Juice! Everyone knows about the worst part of my life! I just wanted one person to not look at me like I'm broken. It was ten goddamn years ago and none of them will let it go!"

"I don't think you're broken, Shawn. But I hate the idea that Jax knows more about you than I do."

"Is it me not telling you that's bothering you? Or the fact that Jax did?" Juice didn't speak. "Jax is just my friend. He has been my whole life."

"He was almost a lot more than that," Juice pointed out.

"He was never more than that. I was drunk-"

"Yea, you were the first time we hooked up, too."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know," Juice admitted honestly.

"What? You think that's just something I do? Get drunk and sleep with people? You think I'm some kind of Cro Eater?"

"I didn't say that. Look, I didn't come here to fight."

"Could have fooled me. Why are you here then?"

"Because you're mine!" Juice shouted.

Shawn took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. "You're jealous of Jax. You think he means more to me than you do."

"Does he?" Juice asked. His eyes were filled with uncertainty. Shawn stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. In return, Juice held onto her hips.

"Jax is my friend. I love him like he's my brother, but I am not in love with him," Shawn told him. She looked down. "I am in love with you."

Juice moved his hand so it was under her chin. He tilted her face up to him. She had the same look in her eyes as she did the night of the party when she knocked on his door.

"I'm in love with you, too, Shawn." He dipped his head to kiss her. "All mine."

Shawn smiled and agreed. "All yours. And as soon as Abel is better everyone will know it, ok?"

Juice nodded. "Ok."

Juice kissed her, again. This time much more passionately. His fingers slipped under the hem of her shirt to feel the skin on her back. Shawn pulled away gently.

"If you're staying you should probably go put your bike in the garage."

"Do you want me to stay?"

"You can, but you're going to have to watch me work at some point tonight. I'm behind and need to catch up."

"I'll go then. I don't want to be a distraction." Juice laid one more kiss on her lips before letting her go and they went over to the front door. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"I thought you weren't yelling?"

"I wasn't trying to. I was just freaked out."

"I know. Jax kind of dumped a lot of info on you. Can't be easy to hear your girlfriend almost hooked up with your friend."

"I'm more worried about the almost starving yourself to death part," Juice admitted.

"I'm okay now. I promise... I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"You going to Gemma's dinner?"

She nodded. "I'll try to behave better than I did last time."

"Kinda don't want you to," Juice smirked.

"Good night," Shawn said with a roll of her eyes.

"Night, babe."

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