Chapter 108

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Everyone left at the garage after the police left stood around, unsure of what they were supposed to do now that the guys were gone. Lyla took Gemma from Shawn so Shawn could have a minute to collect herself. Lyla ushered Gemma over to her car and got her in. Once Lyla shut the door, she turned to Shawn.

"I'll check on you later, okay?" Lyla asked. Shawn wasn't sure if she could speak without losing it, so she just nodded.Lyla pulled the car out of the lot and Shawn approached Tara. Tara looked at Shawn.

"I'm going to head back to Jax's," Tara said.

"Where's Abel?"

"At Gemma's. Neeta has been watching him," Tara told her. "Do you want to come to Jax's with me?"

Shawn thought about it, but shook her head. "I should head home."

"Okay," Tara said. She looked at Shawn more closely. "Are you okay?"

"I think I should be asking you that." Tara nodded sadly. She touched Shawn's arm and walked over to her car. Shawn followed her lead and went home.

Shawn walked in the back door and locked it. Juice wouldn't be coming over that night. She dropped her bag on a chair and looked around. She thought about all the times she and Juice had made dinner together and then would sit at the island to eat. They would laugh together or sometimes have serious discussions, depending on the mood.

She walked into the dining room. They hadn't spent much time in there. He sometimes used her dining table as a desk, with a laptop in front of him and papers spread out everywhere.

Next, she wandered into the living room. How many times had they been watching tv while cuddled up on her couch? How many times had their cuddling turned into heated make out sessions? She walked over to the stairs after decided she needed a long soak in a hot bath, but stopped at the bottom of them. More often than not, those heated make out sessions on the couch turned into Juice carrying up the steps to her bedroom.

Shawn sighed as a tear slipped down her cheek. Her house suddenly felt more empty than it ever had.

* * *

After getting dressed into comfy clothing and tying her hair up in a bun, Shawn went downstairs to look for something to eat. She didn't feel hungry, but she hadn't eaten since breakfast. She knew Juice would be mad if she were to stop eating because of him. A knock on the front door interrupted her search and she went over to answer it.Lyla stood on her porch, holding a brown paper bag that she held up to show Shawn.

"Gemma sent over some food for you," Lyla informed her.

"Cool," Shawn said as she took the bag and headed to the kitchen. Lyla shut the door and followed her. "You hungry?"

"No, I ate at Gemma's." Shawn unpacked the bag and took out a small cardboard box.


"That's from me. Not Gemma."

"Oh okay. I was going to say, since when does Gem drink tea? So, what's this for?"

"It's soothing. It'll help you relax."

"And here that's what I thought tequila was for."

Lyla smiled and waited for Shawn to start eating before talking. "Opie said that Jax didn't rat. We don't need to be worried. It was all apart of their plan."

"And what plan was that?"

Lyla shrugged. "Ope doesn't tell me much."

"You okay with that?"

"It is what it is," Lyla said. "I was surprised you showed up to TM so late."

"Me and Juice got into a fight last night. And then again this morning. He left me a message to apologize, but I didn't get it in time to get there sooner."

"What were you fighting about?"

"Take a wild guess."

Lyla nodded sadly. "Maybe this is a good opportunity for you."

Shawn looked up from her food. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, maybe it's time Shawn worried about Shawn."

"Are you trying to tell me I need to move on?"

"I'm saying you need to decide if that's what is best for you."

"I love Juice," Shawn said.

"I know you do, sweetheart, but look at the bigger picture. You were together for over a year and only ever told like, three people. Have you guys ever fought about anything besides your relationship?"

"No," Shawn admitted. "I'm not ready to give up on me and him, though."

"I'm not trying to tell you you have to give up. I just... I don't know... I guess I just want you to know it's okay to change your mind. Jesus, I'm doing a terrible job right now, aren't I?"

"You're fine. I get it."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, of course not."

Lyla nodded. "Okay, I'm going to head home, alright? Ope's got all three kids."

"Go save Opie," Shawn said with a half hearted smile.They both stood and Lyla gave Shawn a hug.

"Let's just see what happens, okay? You can always talk to me if you need to."

"Thanks, Ly."Lyla headed to the door.

Shawn followed her and locked the door behind her. She turned away from the door and leaned against. Her emotions suddenly overcame her and she sunks down onto the floor to cry.

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