Chapter 64

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Shawn parked her car outside Juice's place a little later. Most of his windows were dark except for a flickering light coming from his bedroom window. He must be playing video games in the dark. If it weren't for that and the fact that his bike was there, she would have wondered if he was even home. Shawn got out of the car and leaned against it as she pulled out her phone to call him.

"Hey," Juice said when he answered. The flickering in the window stopped. He must have paused his game.

"Hi," Shawn said sweetly.

"You home from Lyla's?"

"Not exactly."

"What's that mean?"

"Did you know you and Lyla live really close to each other? You're practically neighbors."

Juice didn't say anything, but a moment later, his blinds opened and Shawn saw him in the window. He smiled broadly when he saw her standing outside.

"Come on in," he told her.

"Okay," Shawn responded and hung up.

She walked over to his door and he opened the door for her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in. The door closed and Juice backed her up against it. His hands gripped her hips tightly as his lips found her's. Shawn parted her lips and glided her tongue over his as she slipped her hands under his shirt and raked her fingernails gently over his abs. Juice moaned into her mouth and pulled her closer to him, causing Shawn's back to arch. She had to pull her hands away and wrapped them around his neck to keep her balance. Juice felt her losing her balance and gently pushed her back up against the door and leaned into her instead. Juice pulled his lips back to catch his breath.

"You taste sweet," he told her.

"Lyla had wine that she sort of forced me to drink."

"Did she though?" Juice asked skeptically. Shawn shook her head. "I'm seeing a pattern here. You and Lyla have dinner where you drink. Then you try to seduce me."

"What do you mean 'try'?"

"I'm not naked, yet," Juice said.

"Exactly. 'Yet.' I'm sure we can fix that," Shawn told him and reached for his belt buckle.

Juice grabbed her wrists to push her hands away. He pinned her hands against the door. The sudden movement made Shawn gasp.

"You first," Juice told her. Shawn nodded and Juice released her hands so he could move his to her jacket. He pushed it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

Juice grabbed the hem of her shirt next and pulled it over her head. Shawn held onto his shoulders for balance as she toed off her shoes. Without moving her hands, she pushed him through his dark living room over to the couch. Juice fell onto the couch and Shawn straddled his lap. He ran his hands up her sides and reached around to unhook her bra. Shawn removed it and dropped it on the floor before tugging on Juice's shirt. Juice sat up and pulled his shirt over his head, which he also tossed on the floor. Shawn leaned in and began kissing his neck. The warmth of her skin against his drove Juice wild. He lifted her by the back of her thighs to move her onto her back on the couch. Shawn unbuttoned her jeans and Juice helped her out of them. Juice moved on top of her to kiss her lips again.

"We have to go upstairs, baby," he told her.

Shawn shook her head. "No, here."

"Trust me. Upstairs," Juice said and kissed her again. Shawn groaned into his lips causing him to chuckle.

Juice stood from the couch and pulled her up. He lifted her into his arms and headed for the stairs. Shawn began gently nibbling on his earlobe and Juice seriously considered dropping her back onto the couch. But Juice knew what was upstairs and knew it would be worth the climbing the ten steps. Entering the bedroom, Juice placed her on the bed and Shawn quickly sat up.

"Ow," she complained and pulled his game controller out from under her.

"Oh, shit. Sorry," Juice said and took it from her. He dropped it on the floor and began to kiss her neck. "You like it?"

"Yes," Shawn moaned.

Juice looked at her. "No, baby. You have to open your eyes."

Shawn did what he said and saw a reflection on herself and Juice. She stared at his ceiling in disbelief. "That's... a big ass mirror on the ceiling."

"You said you'd be into it. Are you not into it?" Juice asked in a panic.

Shawn looked at him and smiled. "Take your pants off and let's find out."

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