Chapter 85

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The whole next morning, Shawn was on the phone. The employees of Cara Cara were calling her left and right to find out what was next now that Luanne was gone. It hadn't occured to Shawn the night before that she was now in charge of the studio. By the time she arrived at the studio, she had spoken to almost everyone. She walked back to her office and opened the door to see her laptop sitting on her desk. Jax hadn't told her they had gotten it back. She sat at her desk and had to take a breath.

Shawn had been in charge at the studio before, when Luanne had something else she had to do, but never like this. Before, Luanne was always one phone call away. She had been a safety net for Shawn. Now there was no one there to keep Shawn from screwing up.

A light knock on the door frame got her attention and she looked up to see Lyla.

"Hey," Shawn said.

"Hey. Some of the girls didn't show up," Lyla said cautiously.

"I figured they wouldn't when I couldn't get ahold of some of them. Probably too upset about Luanne. Or worried about Georgie. Or they just don't want to work for me."

"It's one of the first two. Everyone here likes you," Lyla assured her.

"Ima show up?"

"No. I actually haven't heard from her."

"Shocking," Shawn said sarcastically.

"You thinking about taking the big office now?" Lyla asked.

"I, uh, hadn't really thought about it. Eventually, I guess I will. I just want to give it some time."

"Makes sense. Well, I already talked to the girls who are here. We'll do extra time on the sex cams to make up for the girls who aren't here."

"Thanks," Shawn said sincerely. She was a little surprised they were willing to help her out like that. "I appreciate it."

"Like I said," Lyla said as if she was reading Shawn's mind, "they all like you."

Shawn's phone began to ring, so Lyla waved before going back to work. Jax's name came up on the phone's screen and Shawn lightly sighed before answering it. After dinner the night before, she really would have rather avoided all of the club members that morning.

"Hello?" Shawn answered.

"Hey, I need you to meet me at the police station," Jax said.

"Can I ask why?" Shawn asked cautiously.

"It might be better if I don't answer that."

Shawn groaned. "Fine. I'll see you there in a bit."

After hanging up, Shawn made sure no one needed her and let it be known she would be back as soon as possible before leaving. When she arrived at Charming Police Station, Jax was already there, leaning against his bike as he smoked a cigarette.

"So, what's going on?" Shawn asked as she got out of her car.

"Two of your girls got picked up this morning for prostitution."

"Son of a bitch. This is the last damn thing I needed today."

"Sorry, kid. Ain't easy being the boss, huh?"

Shawn rolled her eyes and went inside the station with Jax close behind her. Jax told an officer who they were there to see and he took them back to the holding cells. A second later, Ima came out.

"Should have known," Shawn said, annoyed.

"You brought her?" Ima asked Jax.

"Her as in your boss? Yeah, I did," Jax told her. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Got a phone call, wouldn't give his name. Offered us ten grand to help out Darby," Ima explained.

"What do you mean 'help out'?" Jax asked her.

"Wanted his johns thinking he had some high end pussy. Two days of work. That was the deal."

"And day one the cops show up?" Jax asked.

"And the guy not giving you his name didn't tip you off that something wasn't right there?" Shawn asked next.

"It had to be Georgie. Psycho killed Luanne and got us busted," Ima said.

"When did you get the call?" Jax wondered.

"Day before yesterday."

"That was before we hassled Georgie."

"Then who is it?" Ima demanded.

"I don't know!" Jax snapped. He turned and motioned to the guard that they were done.

"Aren't you going to bail us out?" Ima asked Jax.

"Yeah, let me get an advance on my trust fund," Jax said sarcastically.

"Shawn," Ima called after her, "c'mon!"

Shawn stopped walking and turned back to Ima. "You're fired."

Jax smiled in surprise at Shawn and they left the station. "I take that back. Maybe it's not so hard being the boss after all."

Spark in the Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें