Chapter 91

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Tig took Shawn to her house. He made her wait in the car while he walked through her house to make sure it was safe. Shawn quickly packed a few things in a bag and put on a pair of shoes. Tig drove them to TM and as soon as they walked in the door, Gemma rushed over to Shawn to hug her. Shawn hugged her back.

"We've been so worried about you, baby," Gemma said and stroked her hair.

"Thanks, Gemma." Gemma stepped back and Lyla hugged her next.

"You scared the shit out of me."

"Love you, too, Lyla," Shawn said with a smirk. She looked back at Gemma.

"Can I shower?"

"Sure," Gemma said. "Jax, Tara, and Abel are in the one room. Why don't you take Juice's old dorm?"

Shawn nodded and started down the hall. Tig called after her, "I gotta run, kid. Help the guys out. See you later."

Shawn waved and went to the room. She took the longest shower of her life and put on clean clothes. She was too tired to bother with her hair, so she just put it up in a messy bun and laid down on the bed. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, Shawn fell into a deep sleep. She woke up hours later to a knock on the door. Shawn got up and opened the door to see Tara.

"Can we talk?" Tara asked.Shawn nodded and stepped aside. Tara walked in and Shawn closed the door.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Tara said. "I know you told the guys they didn't touch you, but if something happened, something you may not want to tell them, I can help."

Shawn was touched by Tara's offer. "Thank you. I really appreciate that, but honest, no one hurt me."

"Okay," Tara nodded and smiled sympathetically. "I'll let you rest."

"Tara," Shawn said to stop her from leaving. "I'm sorry. Ya know, for being such a bitch when you first came back."

Tara shrugged. "If the roles were reversed, I wouldn't have been very nice to you either. You sure nothing happened?"

"Positive. I'm okay," Shawn reassured her. Tara nodded and left. Shawn laid back down on the bed and had just gotten comfortable again when there was another knock. "Seriously, Tara. I'm fine."

Shawn stood and opened the door, but this time it wasn't Tara. Juice stood there with his hands in his pockets. Shawn let him in and closed the door again.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay," Juice said.

"They didn't hurt me, Juice," Shawn told him.

"That doesn't mean you're okay," he told her sympathetically. Shawn felt tears come to her eyes. Of course Juice would be the one who could see that she was hurting emotionally. She stepped towards him to bury her face in his chest. Juice wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.

"I was so scared," Shawn admitted. "They kept me in this dark closet. I couldn't see anything. I thought I would lose my mind."

"You're too strong to lose your mind. You got through it. You're home now. You're safe," Juice reassured her.

"All I could think about was you."

"You don't need to worry about me."

"I just kept thinking about what you said after Donna's funeral. About if I got hit by a bus, you would have no one." Juice moved so he could press his lips to her's.

"You're safe now. Let's just be happy about that for right now, ok?" Shawn nodded and kissed him, again. Juice put his hands on her hips and guided her over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of it and pulled on her so she'd straddle his lap. They resumed kissing and Juice laid back so she would be laying on top of him. When he hit the mattress, the added weight of Shawn on top of him caused his lower back to sting. Juice winced and sat up with a small grunt.

"Oh, shit," Shawn said when she saw his face. She tried to get off him, but Juice held her firmly in place. "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. You're still healing."

"It's fine. It just aches when I put pressure on it. I'm okay."

"Maybe we should go back out there with everyone else?" Shawn suggested. She didn't want to hurt Juice or make him feel like he had to do something he shouldn't be doing. Juice wrapped his arms around her and moved her suddenly so she was flat on her back on the bed.

"But I'm not done with you, yet." He stood and pulled her off the bed. He lifted her by the back of her knees and set her on top of his desk.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt," Shawn said.

"Stop worrying so much," Juice said and began kissing her neck. Shawn usually relaxed when he did this, but her muscled still felt tense.

"Don't overthink it. Just relax." Shawn bit her lip, but nodded. Juice grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. He took off his own shirt and then resumed kissing her. Shawn reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Juice pulled it off of her and dropped it on the floor. She was reaching for his belt when the door to the room opened. Juice turned and angled himself so whoever was coming in couldn't see her naked, but she was still mostly visible behind him. Half-Sack had walked in and stopped when he saw them.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, I didn't know you were busy in here, man. I'll just, uh,-"

"Get out, Sack!" Juice ordered him.

"Right," Sack said and turned to walk out.

"Shut the door!" Juice said and Sack slammed the door shut.

"Juice, what if he tells my dad what he just saw?" Shawn asked.

"Fuck," Juice said and grabbed his shirt off the floor to put on. He left the room to go after Half-Sack.

Shawn slowly slid off the desk and bent over to pick up her own clothes. She had just got her bra back on when the door opened, again. Juice saw Shawn jump a little bit.

"It's just me," he told her. She nodded and continued getting dressed. "I told him not to say anything. I trust him. He'll keep him mouth shut."

"How much did he see?" She asked self consciously.

"Less than me," Juice said with a smirk. He was trying to lighten to mood, but could tell it wasn't working. "What is it?"

"You really don't want to tell them? Now would be the perfect time. My dad is probably so relieved I'm alive he'd let me get away with murder."

"Tig would let you get away with murder regardless."

"Juice," Shawn said disapprovingly. She was trying to be serious and he joking around.

"Right," Juice said. "Let's just wait and see what happens with these charges, ok? If we end up going back inside, I'm going to need the guys. I'd really, really like to not get stabbed, again."

"You were ready to kiss me in front of everyone last night. What changed?"

Juice shrugged. "Emotions were high. I wasn't thinking clearly. That sort of thing."

Shawn nodded. "Okay."

"Don't be mad," Juice requested.

"I'm not. Promise. You were willing to wait until I was ready. Now, it's my turn to return the favor."

"I love you, Shawn."

"I love you, too."

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