Chapter 124

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Shawn was dressed and ready to leave for work the next morning. She ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast with her coffee and was putting her dishes in the sink when there was a knock at the backdoor. She went over and opened it with a smile.

"You're back," Shawn greeted Juice pleasantly.

"I'm back," he responded as he entered the house and dropped his backpack on the floor in order to lift her. He pressed a kiss to her lips. "Miss me?"

"Of course I did," Shawn told him and kissed him one more time before he lowered her to the floor. "I didn't even hear your bike. Did you come straight here?"

"No, I stopped at the clubhouse first."

Shawn eyed the backpack. "Is that all the stuff you brought?"

"Do you want me to bring more still?"

Shawn smiled and turned to grab a key that was hanging on a hook nearby. "I had this made on my lunch break yesterday for you. That is, if you want it."

"I want it," Juice told her and took the key. "You didn't hear my bike because I stopped at TM first to get the van. I brought over all the stuff I had in the dorm."

"I cleared out a bunch of space for you in our bedroom. Anything else, just put where ever you want it."

"You don't want to stay and help me unpack?" Juice asked.

"Help you unpack or... help you with something else?"

"We could do both."

"I have to be at work soon," Shawn said apologetically.

"Fine, but you're all mine later tonight."

"Sounds good to me," Shawn said and began to get her things together to leave. She gave him a quick kiss goodbye. "Welcome home, babe."

* * *

As she working at her desk, Shawn heard knocking on her office door.

"Come in," she called absent-mindedly.

The door opened and Lyla peaked her head in.

"Can we come in?" Lyla asked.


"We," Jax said as he passed Lyla to enter Shawn's office. He was followed by Bobby, Tig, and Juice. Juice smiled at her as he came in and Shawn smirked back. "This office is a lot nicer than the one you had a Cara Cara."

"Yeah, Dondo is a better boss than you were."

"Well, your old, shittier boss has a favor to ask of you."

Shawn leaned back into her seat. "This should be good."

"Call Georgie Caruso and set up a meeting with him?"

Juice watched Shawn's face fall.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Shawn asked. "Last time I saw him, he threw my face into a brick wall."

"It's about the offer he made," Lyla told her. "You know, about making the Saffron sisters into dolls."

"Wait, wait. Dolls?" Tig asked as he leaned against Shawn's desk, blocking her view of everyone in the room. She rolled her eyes and stood to round her desk and stand next to him.

"Yes, dolls. Caruso got out of porn and makes these life size sex dolls now."

"We need you to call him back and tell him Lyla had a change of heart," Jax told her. "Have him meet you both to make some kind of arrangement."

"So not only am I calling him, but I have to meet with him, too?"

"We'll be here," Jax assured her. "I'll even let you keep Juice close by."

Tig rolled his eyes and Shawn and Juice smiled at each other, again.

"When and where is this meeting supposed to take place?"

"Here as soon as possible," Bobby said.

"Did you clear that with Dondo?"

"Yeah, he said it'll be fine as long as we whack him," Tig told her.

"Well, I didn't need to hear that," Shawn said to herself as she reached for her cell phone. She found the number in her contacts and hit send. It rang twice before someone picked up. "Hi. This is Shawn Trager calling for Georgie Caruso."

* * *

"It'll be okay," Juice reassured her as they waited for Georgie to arrive. "I won't be far. He won't be able to hurt you, again."

"I know," Shawn said, but didn't sound convinced. They were off to the side of the studio from everyone else. The guys could see them, but not hear what they were saying. "Did you get all your stuff settled?"

"Not yet," Juice told her. "Gemma had to put some of it in storage. I figured I'll take the van later and get the rest."

"Okay," Shawn said. "Tig know?"

"Yeah. I told him while we were gone. Not making that mistake, again."

"What happened with Roosevelt then?"

"I told him I wasn't going to rat this morning when we got back. You don't need to worry, okay?"

Shawn nodded.

"We have someone coming," Bobby said as he came down the hall.

"I'll go," Shawn said and walked towards the doors. She opened them once the guys were out of sight and Georgie and Ima walked in.

Shawn shook his hand and tried her best to be cordial. Georgie began his pitched as they walked down the hall.

"This is a smart business move, Shawn. You package videos with the dolls. You can tie in personal appearances. Huge dough," Georgie told her as they reached the studio where Lyla was waiting. The guys all began to come out of their hiding spots. "Son of a bitch!"

"Georgie? We need to talk," Chibs told him.

Ima pulled a gun from her purse and began to wave it around. "I didn't do anything!"

Georgie seized the opportunity to elbow Shawn hard in the face before grabbing Ima's gun off her. Shawn brought her hands up to her face as Juice grabbed her waist to turn her towards him.

"Are you okay?" Juice asked concerned.

"Why does this always happen to me?" Shawn asked as she looked at her bloodied hands. She looked back at Juice. "I'm fine. Go."

Juice took off running with the other guys in the direction Georgie went. Shawn made her way over to the chair Lyla had been sitting in moments before and sat down. She tipped her head back and pinched her nose in an effort to stop the bleeding.

"Here," a voice said a moment later. Shawn peaked an eye open to see Lyla holding a bag of ice for her.

"Thanks," Shawn said and then looked at Ima. "You're a stupid bitch."

"Excuse me-" Ima started, but Opie cut her off.

"Shut up," he ordered her before addressing Lyla. "You should get out of here."

Lyla left and Juice came down the hall a few minutes later. He gently moved the bag of ice from Shawn's face and cringed.

"That bad, huh?" Shawn asked.

"If it makes you feel better, I just kicked him in the face," Juice offered.

"That, oddly, does make me feel better."

Chibs appeared by Juice's side a moment later. "You want to get her out of here? She might need a trip to see Tara."

"You sure?" Juice asked.

"Yeah, go," Chibs told him.

"Thanks, man."

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