Chapter 125

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After their trip to St. Thomas, Juice drove Shawn back to the studio so he could get his Dyna. He had wanted to take her home and worry about the bike later, but she insisted she was okay to drive home from there. Juice parked her car next to his bike and Shawn noticed it was the only one in the lot.

"The guys are gone?" She asked him.

"Looks that way," Juice replied.

"Wonder what happened to Georgie."

Juice looked at her. "Do you really want to know?"

"So he was whacked then?"

"No," Juice admitted. "Chibs texted me while you were in x-ray. They can use him for something so he's still alive. For now."

"He lives to break my nose another day," Shawn said sarcastically.

"Sorry, babe. I really didn't see it coming. Ima pulling that gun distracted me."

"I know," Shawn said. "Did you really kick Georgie in the face?"

Juice nodded. "Yeah."

"Damn. I would have liked to have seen that," Shawn told him and started to get out of the car. Juice did the same.

"You're sure you can drive?" Juice asked as Shawn rounded the car.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"I'll follow you home then."

Shawn smiled and kissed him. "Say that again."

Juice smiled back. "I'll follow you home."

Shawn got behind the wheel of her car and Juice got on his bike as he strapped on his helmet. He was right behind her as she left the studio and stayed there the whole way home. Shawn parked her car in the garage and Juice pulled in next to her. They went inside and Juice sent her to sit on the couch while he got her a new ice pack and some water to take one of the pain pills Tara had given her. He sat on the couch with her and watched her swallow the pill and place the ice on her nose, again.

"You going to want some dinner soon?" He asked her.

"If I say no, are you going to read too much into it?" Shawn asked and looked at his now troubled face. "How about you go get your stuff from storage and we can eat when you get back?"

"I don't want to leave you right now," Juice told her.

"I'm fine, I promise," Shawn assured him. She knew he was feeling guilty over her getting hurt and knew him staring at her bruised face all night wasn't going to help.

"What are you going to do while I'm gone?"

"I don't know. Shower, change my clothes, make dinner?"

"How about you get changed and then just relax? I'll pick up food on my way back and we can shower together after I take the van back to TM."

"Deal," Shawn said and Juice quickly pecked her lips before leaving.

She heard the Dyna start up and roar down the alley a few minutes later. Shawn lifted herself off the couch and went up the stairs to get changed out of her jeans and bloody shirt. As she entered the bedroom, she paused next to the dresser and opened one of the drawers she had cleared out for Juice. She smiled at the sight of his clothing neatly folded inside.

Shawn changed into a pair of comfy capri leggings and a t-shirt before adding one of Juice's hoodies over top of that. Next she went into the bathroom where she carefully washed her face and assessed the damage. Tara had said there was a small, hair line fracture, but the bruising that had already formed made it look a lot worse. Shawn could even see the beginnings of at least one black eye. She sighed and started to put her hair up into a bun. The shorter length of her hair left a few pieces out of the bun, but Shawn wasn't going to bother pinning them if she was going to be showering later.

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