Chapter 156

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Shawn pulled her car into TM right behind Skeeter's hearse. Lyla was in the passenger seat and hadn't said much since Tara left. Even worse, she had said nothing at all on the car ride there, even when Shawn spoke first. Shawn worried she was still high since she had no idea what her friend had even taken.

She parked and got out of the car. The guys were all gathered towards the back of the hearse, ready to carry Opie into the clubhouse. Juice and Shawn made eye contact and he silently asked if she was okay. Shawn shrugged one shoulder, but then nodded. Juice nodded back before grabbing onto one of the handles of the coffin and helping the others carrying it inside. Shawn started walking that way and Jax approached her.

"How is she?"

"She's sad. And medicated."

Jax nodded and then pulled Shawn into a hug. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

They pulled apart and Jax looked towards Lyla who was still by Shawn's car. "I'm going to go walk her inside."

"Okay. Gemma in the garage?"


Shawn headed towards the office and Gemma looked up from the desk as she entered through the doorway.

"$900, right?" Gemma asked and pulled out a checkbook.

"That's right."

"How's Lyla?"

"I don't know. We had a pretty rough afternoon."

"Yeah, I'll bet," Gemma said as she handed Shawn the check. "Thanks for bailing me out."

"Thanks for paying me back," Shawn started to put the check into her purse. When she looked up, she saw Carla sitting in the garage drinking a beer. "What is she doing here?"

"Dora the Whora in there almost got Jax and Chibs killed today. We're keeping an eye on her."

"Figures," Shawn said with a scoff. "I'm heading inside."

Gemma nodded and Shawn walked back outside and over to the clubhouse. Once inside, Tig saw her and approached her to give her a hug.

"Hey, baby," he said. Shawn hugged him back, but it didn't feel the same as before. "How are you?"

"I've been better."

"I'm so sorry, Shawnie."

"I know," Shawn said and stepped back. She was having a hard time sorting out her feelings for her father at that moment. She was happy he had gotten out of jail unharmed, but he was the reason both her sister and one of her best friends were dead. "I'm glad you're home, Dad."

She passed Tig and went over to Juice, sitting at the bar next to Chibs. She gave Chibs a small smile and a quick hug.

"Glad to see you're okay," she told the Scot.

"Thanks, darling."

She turned to Juice next. He turned in his bar stool to pull her to him. He kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly.

"I like your dress," he told her.

"Thanks. Tara gave it to me. It has pockets," Shawn said and then put her hands in them as if to show them off.

"Priorities," Chibs said, making both Shawn and Juice laughing quietly.

"Did you bring something to put in with Opie then?" Juice asked a moment later.

"Yeah I did," Shawn reached into her purse and pulled out what she had taken from her jewelry box earlier that day. She held it up to show them both.

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