Chapter 65

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Shawn woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on Juice's front door. She looked at Juice and could tell the sound didn't bother him at all as he remained asleep. No doubt the knocking just blended in with the sound of his snores to him. Shawn lightly shook him to try to wake him up.

"Juice... Juice... Juice!"

"Huh? What?" he said as he startled awake.

"Someone is knocking on your front door."

"Oh, shit," Juice sleepily groaned. He got out of bed and picked up some of his clothes off the floor. "Wait here. I'll see who it is."

Juice went down the stairs and swore. The living room was a mess. Shawn's clothing littered the floor. He picked up his shirt from the night before first and put it on. Then he quickly gathered up her clothing and held it for a second, unsure of where to put it. The knocking started again and Juice panicked and just threw her clothes into his kitchen. More than likely whoever was knocking wouldn't go that far into his place anyways. Juice finally made it to the front door and opened it to see Chibs.

"'Ey, you fall asleep in your clothes last night?" Chibs asked as he noticed Juice was wearing the same clothing as the day before.

"Oh, yeah. Passed out while playing Call of Duty," Juice lied. They stood there for a moment.

"You going to let me in?"

"Shit. Yeah. Sorry," Juice said and stepped aside so he could enter.

Chibs looked around and grinned. "Bobby called. We got to be at the clubhouse in an hour. I was already out and hadn't seen your new place, yet. Figured I'd just stop in. Didn't know you had company."

"I don't," Juice lied.

"Really?" Chibs asked and walked over to the couch. He bent down to pick something up. Juice saw Shawn's bra and realized he had missed it when he picked everything else up. His eyes grew wide. "So, is this yours or is someone upstairs? Either way, I have questions."

"I-I-I... am not a good enough liar for this."

"This have anything to do with Shawn Trager's car being parked next to your Dyna?" Juice looked like he was about to have a stroke. Chibs tossed him the bra. "Shawn! Come on down!"

"She can't. All of her clothes are in my kitchen."

"Well, be a gentleman. Go give 'em to her."

"Right," Juice said and walked into his kitchen to pick up her clothes. He carried them up the stairs and tossed them to Shawn.

"How fucked are we?" she asked.

"I don't know, yet. I'll let you get dressed," Juice said and went back downstairs.

Shawn got dressed slowly. She really didn't want to have to see the Scot, but knew there was no way around it. She went downstairs and didn't immediately see either of them, but could hear the talking. She went towards the sound and saw Chibs sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, casual as can be. Juice was on the other side. The look on his face was still pretty freaked out.

"Morning, Chibs," Shawn greeted him.

He smiled in return. "Good morning, darling. Rough night?"

Shawn's raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked at Juice, but he winced at Chibs' words and looked down at the counter.

"Little bit," Shawn answered Chibs and he laughed. "Well, this has been sufficiently awkward and I'm going to go. I have to be at Cara Cara soon."

"See ya, Shawn," Chibs said. Shawn nodded at him and looked at Juice.

"I'll call you later," Juice told her.

"Okay," Shawn answered him and turned to leave.

Once she was out of site, Chibs turned to Juice and said quietly, "What are you doing? Walk her to the bloody door."

"Oh, yeah," Juice said and hurried after her.

"Jesus Christ," Chibs said to himself.

Juice reached her as she got to the door and he opened it for her. Shawn stepped outside and Juice followed her.

"I am so sorry," Juice told her.

"Me too. I should have just told them when you wanted to."

"Let me talk to him. I'll see what he says, ok? He doesn't seem pissed."

"Ok. I really should go," Shawn said. Juice nodded and gave her a quick kiss. Shawn left and Juice went back inside.

He walked back into his kitchen and looked at Chibs, who looked amused.

"What are you doing?" Chibs asked him.

"Honestly... I'm not really sure."

Chibs laughed. "How long has this been going on?"

"Since my patch in party," Juice told him and sat on the other stool next to him.

"That was damn near a year ago," Chibs said, surprised.


"Tig loves that kid more than anything."

"I love her, too, Chibs."

"It's not the same, Juicy boy."

"I know it's not. I just... I don't know what to do here. I want to tell Tig the truth, but shit just keeps getting piled on. It's never a good time."

"You're waiting for a good time, but all you're doing is letting time pass you by."

Juice just nodded while he thought about what Chibs said. "Are you going to tell them?"

"Of course not. You and Shawn are adults. You can do what you want."

Juice looked up at him in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah," Chibs said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Just be careful, yeah? I don't want you getting hurt."

"I won't," Juice told him. "Thanks, man."

"Hey. I love you, kid," Chibs said and patted him on the back. "Go get ready. We got to go."

Juice stood and went to his room to change out of his clothes from the day before, he felt better now that Chibs knew. If he didn't think it was a big deal, then maybe Tig wouldn't either. At least he had someone he could talk to about it, even if Chibs' words hung on him heavily.

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