Chapter Thirty Four

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"Well?! Is one of you going to explain what the hell is going on here?" Y/N was furious, that much was evident.

Jungkook was the first to answer, it was reckless of him to even be here but after finding out Taehyung had left Paris early he couldn't stay away.

He knew that Taehyung would come to see Y/N, it was obvious his friend cared for the woman but so did he and just knowing what could possibly happen between them didn't sit right with him.

Jungkook wasn't sure what he felt for Y/N, the two hadn't spent much time together but what he did know is that from the first moment he got to properly meet her she hadn't left his mind.

Taehyung was his friend, he never wanted to disrespect or fall out with him but he couldn't let the two be alone together....he needed to figure out his feelings first.

"Well?!" Y/N cocked a brow, looking from Jungkook to Taehyung.

"Remember the brother I told you about?" Jungkook finally tore his eyes away from Taehyung, allowing them to settle on Y/N....even mad she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Y/N's eyes widened, finally the penny had dropped.

"Vincent is your brother?!" Y/N gasped, fingers running through her hair as she let that information process.

Jungkook nodded, this was the best and only reason he could give her right now.

Y/N couldn't find out about the organisation, not yet.

"You called him Taehyung, why did he call you Taehyung?" Y/N turned her attention to the man in question who ignored her and instead aimed a question of his own at Jungkook.

"Why are you here? How do you know Y/N?" He stepped closer, eyes narrowing.

Taehyung was confused by Jungkook's appearance, just what was his relationship with Y/N and why did it make his blood boil knowing the two could possibly have been intimate.

Jungkook wasn't just his friend, they were family and the last thing Taehyung wanted was to argue with him but he didn't like this....he didn't like this at all.

"I met Y/N a few days ago, she works at the library and I was there to check out some books. The two of us talked, spent the day together." Jungkook replied honestly, noticing the way Taehyung's jaw twitched.

Taehyung knew there was more to that story, most likely organisation related so he would question Jungkook about that later.

"I didn't know about the two of you at first, not until Jimin told me." Jungkook added.

"Did anything happen?" Taehyung looked between the two of them, seething.

Please let the answer be no.

Taehyung didn't have the right to be angry or stake any claim on Y/N, he knew they weren't together and that he was the one who walked away all those weeks ago but it still didn't change the fact she was important to him.

He wasn't sure why, he didn't even know what he truly felt for her but the one thing he was certain of was that he wanted to find out.

Jungkook wasn't one to lie, Taehyung knew the explanation given was the truth but he was still furious.

"I kissed her." Jungkook wasn't about to be dishonest with his friend, regardless of the awkward situation and his feelings for Y/N Taehyung deserved the truth.

"You're fucking kidding me right?! FUCK!" Taehyung spun around, foot connecting with the wall as his anger got the best of him.

"HEY! I'm standing right here!" Y/N grabbed Taehyung's arm, eyes searching his for answers.

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