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Tessa's pov

''Why did you get nervous when your father told you about the other family that was going to arrive? ''

''No i wasn't nervous''

''You sure Hardin? if something is up please tell me now.''

''Everything is fine baby,'' he said kissing my forehead. After a while we were both in a deep sleep. In the morning i woke up to an empty bed and red the message on my phone saying

Good morning babe, i went to buy breakfast for us, will be back in a minute. 

And as it was planned he opened the door after a minute. 

''Good morning sleepy head''

''I'm not that sleepy head''

''Oh yeah you are, do you know what time it is?''

''Yeah,'' i said looking at the clock. ''shit its 1 pm. Your parents must be here already.'' when i said that he got pale. We ate the breakfast and heard a knock on our door.


''You guys, we have missed you,'' they said hugging us

''Where are Justin and Jane?''

''Oh they didn't come with us this time, its an adult vacation,'' she said winking at me

''Oh yeah i understand,'' i said smirking at her.

''Ok what are your plants tonight guys?'' Hardin's father asked

''We don't have any.''

''Great then i will organize a lunch with Andrew's family''

''Is it necessary?''

''Yes Hardin, they are coming to meet me, Kim and especially they wanted to meet you''


''Yes son, you were part of their family once, is your memory really that bad.'' he said chuckling and getting out of the room. ''OK get ready, the lunch will be in 30 minutes.'' part of their family?We got dressed, went to the lobby and took a cab to the restaurant where we would be eating

After a while of seating and discussing some things with Hardin's father and Kim, a family approached us. It was a family of three a mother a father and a girl who was very good looking. I was starting to understand why Hardin was so nervous about meeting this family.

''Hey Tessa, its Andrew my friend from childhood, its Brianna his wife and that's Jess, their daughter. And its Tessa, Hardin's...'' before he said something, Hardin said himself.

''Friend'' what? did he just introduced me as his friend? my blood was boiling.. why did he do that?

''Nice to meet you,'' i said shaking their hands. they said the same and Jess kissed Hardin's cheek saying

''Long time no see honey...''

What was happening?

Why did Hardin introduce Tessa as his friend?

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