A drug addict

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i went to sleep after that accident with Noah, i didn't talk to him and it was already the next day after the fight so i guess he already flew. i couldn't bare in my mind that he could do something like that to me, he was always such a good secret keeper and it was always between me and him but this time he told my mom things that were maybe true but he didn't know that for sure. i didn't want to start my day with a bad mood so i brushed it off and just laid in Hardin's hands for a few minutes admiring his beauty, i didn't really told him how handsome he is, everything was perfect about him, his eyes, eyebrows, nose, his shape, and lips, his lips were my weakness, he was an amazing kisser and that was just a bingo for me. after some moments of admiring him he started to move a little and opened his eyes slowly aww he looks like a baby who just woke up. 

''Good morning sunshine''

''Good morning sleepy head,'' i said chuckling

''oh c'mon its just'' he said looking at the clock on his phone ''how did i sleep till 2 pm ?''

''guess you are really a sleepy head''

''yeah if i am a sleepy head then you are the person that comes and kisses them in the cartoon so they will wake up''

''you know that it is supposed to be a boy right?''

''really? ok then we will change the story and make that a girl''

''you are insane,'' i said laying on top of him

''and you are sexy as hell,'' i started to laugh and he just looked at me 

''you are so beautiful''

''your making me blush'' 

''i know and i love your blush. i wish we could stay like this forever'' 

''we can... '' i said that but i didn't see any changes in his face expression, he was SAD?

''its complicated..''

''why are you saying that? did something happen that i don't know?''

''well i just realized in this 21 years that all i have, everything i do and everything i love is being taken away from me.'' the part that he said everything he LOVED not LIKED made me happier but the next part of the sentence i didn't understand

''what do you mean? is it connected with the night that you came here drunk?''

''yeah, i wanted to tell you about that yesterday but i didn't want to make your day even worse by filling it with my problems''

''Hardin you know that i'm always here for you right? no matter what, you can tell me anything i will be listening, no matter how bad my day was i will try to give you proper advise if you need any.'' i said with a slight smile

''what did i do to deserve you?''

''don't say that, you are an amazing person, with a big heart who just doesn't want to show it to some people''

''yeah an amazing person who ruined your friendship with a best friend''

''it was his fault, don't blame yourself,'' i said and pecked his lips quickly

''now tell me what happened,'' after a long hesitation he finally said

''my mom.. she is a drug addict''


''yeah she is a drug addict''

''how did you know that?''

''i saw her the other night in the streets with her drug band'' 

''maybe it wasn't her''

''no it was her 100%, i haven't seen her for ages but i could recognize her, its my mom for gods sake''

''hey hey hey don't worry and don't get angry please''

''its all my fault, if i didn't leave her all by herself she wouldn't do that''

''no don't blame it on yourself Hardin, you are not the cause of her drug addiction, she is a grown woman with her brain in her head she is not a teenager that can do stuff and then regret, ok?  even if you didn't leave her if she wanted she would have done it. she knows that its not good for her health and she still does it, don't you think that you are not even slightly connected with this situation?''

''i don't know, what to do? my father wont do anything he just doesn't even remember her, he has his family now by his side and he doesn't need a drug addict ex-wife. i so dont' know what to do''

''shh listen to me, you are the most amazing person that i have ever met, with such a big heart, that anyone can dream about, you don't let random people in it and that's great, because you don't want to let people hurt you, but that's not the case if you wanna help her, just be with her, spend some time with her, i'm not saying you can change the way she is, you are not his dad to say what she has to do or what she hasn't, i'm saying, just spend time with her, get to know her better, and then maybe she will stop taking drugs, if her life becomes happier, if YOU can make he happier then she will stop,'' i said sounding very sure of myself and with a half smile 

''how do you always find what to say?''

''i just imagined if were you what would i do, and the idea came into my mind''

''you know that you are amazing right?''

''you are amazing too Hardin, value yourself ok?

''umm bossy... i like that.. ''

''are you always thinking about sex or something?''

''well its hard not to think about it when i have such a sexy girl by my side....'' we kissed for good amount of minutes and then we parted and he asked 

''i wanna go somewhere today, just you and me. what do you say?''

''I would love that''

''Hyde park then?''


Author's note

Lets see what is waiting for them in Hyde park

What do you think is going to happen?

The right answer gets a follow and shutout in my next chapter;)

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