I forgive you, Noah

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Hardin's bare back was facing me and as much as i loved it, i really wanted to know what he was going to get out of the pocket.

''You ready?'' he asked me, turning around and hiding his hands behind his back

''yeah, i'm ready''

''ok,'' with that he showed me two folded papers

''is that a marriage certificate? i said chuckling

''not yet, love.'' he said with the same chuckle and with his famous smirk. ''just open it.'' i opened the envelope and my eyes got wide

''omg Hardin''

''i meant what i said and after yesterday's accident i thought why not do this now?''

''you are the best,'' i said hugging him.

''i cant believe we are leaving today, omg i'm so excited'' i started to panic and say random things but Hardin just stopped me from going too far by kissing me and cupping my face in his hands.

''listen, everything is going to be alright. we are together in this.'' i kissed him passionately and said

''i love you Hardin Scott''

''I love you Tessa Young,'' we kissed again and we both noticed that the kiss was getting heated and we didn't have the time for that right now.

''hold on, hold on,'' i tried to say out of breath, ''as much as i would like to continue this, we have to pack our things,'' i was trying to hold the sounds that were ready to come out of my mouth because of his kisses, which were left on my neck while i was talking

''mm we will do that later,'' i gave in for a second and continued to kiss him but again reality hit me when i opened my eyes for a second and they met the clock, SHIT we have two hours to get ready and be at the airport. i jumped and scared him

''Hardin look at the clock''


''SHIT, we are gonna be late,'' we quickly started to pack our things, we were going to stay there for 6 month, for now, not less, so i had to pack properly, for living. The packing became a joke for us because most of the time we were just running up and down the house to find our stuff and whenever i found something he needed i threw at him in a run and same with me. we were like in a movie. he would catch me while i was running in the house and pack my lips, even though we were really late i liked the small kisses. Finally after hours of running, laughing, packing and kissing we were done.

''oh god i haven't run like this for so long'' i said crashing in the bed, out of breath. Hardin came and crashed next to me

''you are lying,'' he said out of breath too

''what do you mean?''

''i made you more tired the other night, and other nights as well,'' he said with a smirk and packed my lips.

''ok stand up, the taxi must be here any minute.'' we went outside. i was waiting for Hardin to do a quick check at home, when someone tapped on my shoulder. i turned around and saw Noah

''what are you doing here?''

''i came with peace i swear, Tessa you are my best friend and as much as i am angry with you or you don't want to see me i really miss you and i cant stay without you, without my best friend''

''Noah, i miss you too as a best friend really, but i trusted you with everything and you told my mom everything, without being sure of what you are telling her is true or not and knowing how she would react''

''i'm sorry for that, i guess i was just broken and left alone, i made a mistake Tess i know, a huge one, but i swear no day passes without me thinking about how to make things good again between us.'' i noticed tears under his eyes and hugged him

''Shh Noah i forgive you''

''you do?''

''yeah, even best friends can fight sometimes,'' i said smiling , i was interrupted

''what the fuck is happening?'' i heard Hardin's voice from behind me. i turned around

''Hardin, Noah came for peace''

''And you forgave him?''


''fine, you are damn lucky that she did, or else i would have had to twist your head''

''relax dude, i'm not going to do any harm, i promise''

''good, you cant because we are already leaving''

''leaving? where?''

''none of your business''

''Tessa, where are you going?''

''Noah i need some time apart''

''with him?''

''yeah with him''

''do your parents know?''

''no, they only know that i'm leaving alone''

''where are you going?''


''France? why so far?''

''Hardin got a job opportunity there,'' i said looking at the clock in my hand

''Noah as much as i would like to talk longer we really need to go''

''ok have a safe flight''


''text me when you get there''

''will do,'' with that we sat in the taxi and reached the airport after 30 minutes. we went through the security part and sat in the plane, i must admit i was very nervous, but everything faded away when Hardin took my hand and kissed it,

''don't worry i'm with you,'' he whispered in my ear, i smiled at him and looked out of the window. we were already up. and the view was amazing, suddenly all my scary thoughts faded away. But the nervousness was still in me....

Why was Tessa nervous?

Were they going to reach to France?

What will happen on the plane?

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