Chapter FortyEight- Figuring Out The Fake.

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"Sonny Wildwood and Arty? Yeah, I don't think so." James shook his head as he began pulling at his bed sheets and climbing inside.

"Why else would she be wearing his Quidditch Jersey, James?" I snapped, pacing around the room. Feeling far too emotional to even think about sleeping, even after the long boring train journey.

"She did look wet, he could have just given her a change of clothes?" Peter shrugged.

Both James and I snapped our heads towards Sirius who was on the edge of an inappropriate joke.

We could feel him smirking to Peters innocent words.

"Just don't," I rolled my eyes at Sirius and he raised his hands up in defence. Though I could feel James behind my back encouraging the dirty minded boy.

I sat heavily on the end of my bed with a sulk. I should've written that letter I decided against writing.

Maybe if Arty knew I was sorry for my odd behaviour sooner, she might have decided against taking an interest in Sonny...though probably not.

"Did you ever find that green jumper of yours?" James randomly spoke.

I looked at him unamused, his question having no relevance to what I was currently mopping about.

"No James, I've lost it, it's no big deal." I sighed.

All of a sudden James' hand flew out of his bed covers and a small marble escaped out of his grasp and rolled under my bed.

Dramatic and unnecessary. Much like James' overall behaviour if you could generalise it.

"Oh my, I have no idea what came over me!? Remus can you get that for me?" James terribly acted.

I stared deadpan at him.

"Moony pwease, I cant relax without my sleeping marble!" He begged like an annoying little child.

I wasn't in the mood to be messing about with his games. Nonetheless I huffed loudly, followed by a few profanities and lifted myself from my sulking position and dropped to my knees. I slid myself half under my bed to retrieve the lost marble.

"You own a sleeping marble? Are you mentally unstable?" I could hear Peter laugh loudly.

"Stop judging me Wormtail!" I heard James hiss at Peter as he continued to chuckle beside him.

That's when I was hit by a familiar smell that I couldn't quite identify. As I rummaged through the darkness with confusion, I felt soft wool.

I dragged myself out from under my bed to reveal the dark green, with blue thread jumper I had thought to be lost. I furrowed my eyebrows. I smelt the jumper, it didn't smell like me.

A took a deep inhale, the wool holding a lingering scent of a smell I couldn't quite remember but seemed to know well.

"That's weird, did one of you lot put this under my bed?" I asked, holding it slightly in the air.

"No?" Sirius and Peter both replied.

"How bizarre! A jumper with a mind of its own? Night then!" James said with a bounce in his voice as he turned his back to me and made himself more comfortable in his bed. Obviously guilty.

"Don't you need your sleeping marble, mate?" I asked suspiciously.

"Who knew it was possible to mature so quickly? I no longer feel like I have to rely on my marble to fall asleep! It's a miracle!" He mumbled against his sheets.

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