Chapter TwentyOne - I Wasn't Myself, Not Yet A Wolf.

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"Are you sure you're not even a tiny bit attracted to him? There's no shame in it, he's rather lovely" Lily smiled sweetly looking up at me, her face glowing a golden colour reflecting the hue of the flames from the fire. She looked like the perfect description of what you'd imagine a tamed lion to look like in human form, in this lighting. The perfect Gryffindor girl. I could see why James' was so sweet over her. She was sincere, curiously involved and for the transparent reason of only trying to receive the best outcome for everyone. Gently coaxing truths that many would still keep locked within their own minds, even if asked a second time to reveal their opinion on a matter. She was brave enough to ask the questions many would tiptoe around and in a way that didn't seem invasive.

Despite this though, my walls were built up high. I was both hyperaware of the fact that they were almost impossible to crash down, especially when I felt even the slightest bit overwhelmed or defensive and also was hyperaware of the fact Lily was pressing for a real answer, seeing past a comment not even I knew was true or not. She was acting as if I was lying about not finding Remus attractive and in all honesty I didn't know who was right and who was wrong.

"Perhaps you're attracted to Remus if you find him rather lovely?" I laughed. In my head I could see myself building another brick layer to the wall I had been building ever since adolescence. Lily sighed, a sigh of defeat but also of amusement.

"I'm not attracted to Remus, I've known him for years now and he's-" Lily went onto say but I hastily cut her off, trying to play off a smirk on my face that felt (and must have looked) so foreign.

"Even better though right? You've known him for years and nothing has swayed you from the opinion he's lovely. What more could you ask for? I say ask him for a date to Hogsmead this weekend. I heard some Slytherin girls the other day saying people go there for butterbeer? I presume hogsmead isn't that far away and that its beerless butter!" I rushed out, joking and suggesting awkwardly, trying to divert the attention off of me as much as possible and spin the idea of Remus back onto Lily.

They had chemistry. I hadn't known any of them for nearly long enough to determine a clear idea of who they all were individually (including Sirius) but from what I had seen, Lily and Remus had the most potential romantically out of all of them.

They'd always be close to one another whilst sat down anywhere. Whether that be sat next to or opposite each other whilst eating or on a more intense level, like at the party, basically sat on one another.

They'd always agree on little quarrels here and there that the others would have and shared many of the same opinions and were the only ones (other than Alice and Frank, who honestly most of the time decided to ditch to hang out in the greenhouses, which wasn't a shared interest within the group.) who were mature enough to 'agree to disagree' when things started heating up.

They'd swap looks with each other that I could only interpret as friendly mischief, the kind that a playful couple would share. That or they were both incredibly good at non-verbal communication.

Read the same books (from the ones I had managed to sneak a peak at).

Enjoyed the same lessons.

There was a spark there, a warmth that radiated from the two that together almost seemed like one. They were both very similar.

Lily was just about to respond, a puzzled look upon her face at my mention of a date with Remus, when suddenly a noise sounded from the stairs. Both of us quickly turned our heads towards the archway but no one was there. Quick footsteps then rushed up the stairs, as if someone stumbled and retreated before being busted for eavesdropping.

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