Chapter FortyTwo- Sonny Wildwood.

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Despite being freezing cold, a bitter wind danced across the grounds.

I wrapped my Gryffindor scarf and black trench coat tighter around me as I braved the windy outside.

Warm breath escaped from my mouth, reacting to the air and formed a cloud of dragons breath in front of my face.

There was something about the morning after a full moon. A peace occupied the grounds; as if everything living, from small crickets to whatever was lurking in the forbidden forest, was sleeping in or falling into a comfortable hibernation after their last hurrah. As if they were saying 'until next month'.

I liked to be up early when I felt the world was going to be sleeping in late. A detachment from others, whilst not depriving myself from the world they live in is quite nice to experience here and there.

I found myself strolling towards the black lake with my hands stuffed securely in my pockets to try to keep them warm. Finding the same path James had led me down, through a different route.

I lingered around the water edge. Watching how the breeze made the dark lake ripple and hypnotically move towards me in a slow rhythmic motion.

I wondered how long it would take to lap around the large lake. What was the depth and what lurked beneath the surface?

"Fascinating isn't it?" Suddenly a voice sounded from behind me.

I jumped out of my skin, slipping and almost falling into the lake I was lingering too close to. Thankfully I was grabbed and pulled back.

I turned around to see a boy I had never seen before. He wore a Slytherin scarf tightly around his neck, possibly even tighter than I had wrapped mine around my own.

He had a pink nose from the cold, and dark straight hair that was tucked behind his ears.

"There's some bizarre species down there. I'm not even sure Dumbledore knows of all its residents. Mermaids for one, a whole community down there." He told me, looking out onto the lake like I had previously done.

"I thought that was just a rumour? Mermaids can't live in lakes, surely?" I screwed my face up slightly. Almost as if reacting to wild animals held in captivity.

He laughed, revealing a big cheeky, childlike smile. It was infectious.

"I wish it was a rumour. The first time you hear them sing is rather magnificent! Really, I remember first year being completely amazed by the sounds...years later and being woken up far too early, far too many times kind of gets annoying though." he chuckled.

My eyes widened, hanging onto his every word. He had a natural flare for storytelling and making you want more.

"You've heard them sing?" I almost squealed like a child. He smirked at my reaction as I quickly controlled my excitement over something I had only imagined and read in books.

"The Slytherin dorms are located under the black lake, weren't you aware? Narcissa and Bella never told you?" He said.

I suddenly felt self conscious in his presence. He knew who I was. Was he here to cause trouble?

I think he caught onto my sudden change of behaviour.

"Don't know how you managed it, you know. It's hard enough sharing a common room with Bellatrix, she's batshit crazy isn't she?" He laughed, trying to lighten the mood and find a common ground.

I smiled but didn't respond, just in case his motives were to repeat what I had to say about them, back to Bellatrix and Narcissa.

"I thought I'd be seeing her much more often. The castle is so big, I can count on one hand how many times I've seen Bella around in the few months I've been here." I admitted to him casually.

He awkwardly coughed and lowered his voice. Glancing away and diverting his attention back to the lake.

"You didn't hear this from me but she's been skipping her prep classes for NEWTS. Sneaking off to Merlin knows where! heard she's been making friends with the likes of Fenrir Greyback and Antonin Dolohov." He whispered.

I scrunched my nose up slightly, never hearing the names before.

"Am I supposed to know who they are?" I asked.

"Both older. Both equally as...well, Antonin Dolohov is quite the known 'pureblood's only' advocate. An extremist if you ask me, a grumpy old git who lingers around Hogs head-" He explained.

"Fenrir Greyback is different..." he hesitated. Looking frightened to even describe him.

"People say it's just a rumour about Bellatrix being seen with him. Sorry if I offend but I wouldn't doubt it, I do wonder how though? He's constantly on the run from the ministry. Extremely dangerous!-" He hesitated again. Clearing out his throat.

"A werewolf. There's no doubt. Nothing has been confirmed by Greyback or the ministry, but it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines. Everyone knows without having to be told. I haven't seen him myself but people whisper, they say he's beast like even in human form." He shuddered at the thought.

A sudden flow of shock ran though me imagining Bella associating herself with such dangers but quickly that feeling exited my body.

It made complete sense, warning signs of a similar dangerous behaviour brewed within her and only got stronger year by year. It was only a matter of time before she attracted a similar crowd.

"And you? Am I supposed to know who you are?" I asked him.

"Sonny Wildwood." He smiled and offered his hand to shake. I took it and shook formerly like I had been taught.

"I take it you already know my name, though I prefer being called Arty. Artemis sends the blood pressure rocketing." I told him, laughing at my joke.

"I'm in Narcissa' year, of course I know who you are, you caused quite a stir in September. Gryffindor? The shock of it!" He bantered.

"Dare I ask what your thoughts on my obviously famous arrival was?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the answer but equally wanting to know. He shrugged.

"The castles big but people get bored easily. The tiniest bit of drama and it gives the bored something to devour for a while. You're not the first Black to not be placed in Slytherin, you won't be the last. I'm not one to judge, both my parents are Ravenclaw and my best friend is a Hufflepuff. Houses are cool, not everything though." He said truthfully.

I instantly felt my shoulders relaxing knowing he really didn't care.

"Do you want to get lunch?" I blurted out. Wanting to speak to him more but feeling the cold starting to freeze my toes.

"I'd love to." He showed off his big childish smile again.

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