Chapter EightyTwo- Kind Of.

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(Sorry for having a couple of days break. Someone close to me found this fic, which I wanted to keep anonymous and it made me feel quite insecure lmao but fuck it, we move. Issa short chapter sorry)

Sun began to stream through the room as I was awaken by movement sounding upstairs. Sonny and Sirius must already be awake, though it was still quite early.

I rolled over, attempting to keep the covers as close to my body as possible, to see Remus had turned around and away from cuddling me in his sleep; now sleeping on his stomach.

My fingers began to trace over the light marks on his back. Some made from sleeping, the duvet cover imprinting on him and some from a possible transformation. Which I was beginning to accept more and more as fact. He also had small golden brown freckles speckling across his shoulders, freckles that I had noticed were now absent from his face.

I led there, eyes closed, lightly tickling his back for a while until my arm grew to feel heavy.

Remus was a heavy sleeper. He didn't flinch at the contact of my hand on his back or to the powerful strides I could hear walking above us. He just remained peaceful and still.

I quickly got out of bed, throwing on my T-shirt and finding some pyjama bottoms before he could wake up and see me without them in the morning light and crept out of the room.

It was kind of nice to creep out of a room to not wake someone up out of respect instead of fear, for the first time.

The sunshine was now able to peak through less angry clouds and the world outside appeared more calm. It was still lightly raining but the street was glistening with the addition of the sun. It was also really messy due to peoples bins being chucked about in the winds.

We'll have to go out and sort that later.

I picked up my wand and flicked the kettle and enchanted two mugs of tea to make themselves. Sitting down on the edge of my armchair to watch out the window, seeing people now begin to brave the outside without fear of being lifted away or soaked to the bone.

I smiled to myself. Placing my hand delicately against my mouth, in a patting motion.

I can't believe last night was real. I wouldn't have believed it if Remus still wasn't in my bed lightly snoring. Feeling that level of intimacy was entirely new to me, I felt as if I had fallen into the romance novel I had picked off the shelf. The fact that, that memory is my own and not my interpretation of someone's imagination...felt peculiar. Good! But I would have believed it more if it had been a recollection of a movie scene. Just seemed too good to be true.

As I was thinking about how perfect last night was and how appreciated and wanted I felt, I could hear movement behind me. My head turned from staring out of the window to looking down the hall. Where Remus appeared outside of my bedroom, fully dressed in yesterdays clothes. Hair scruffy and wavier than usual.

"Just in time." I smiled as the teas I had began to brew, finished.

"Good morning." he said groggily, rubbing his eyes still. His voice scratchy and deep.

I told him to get comfy and I brought his cup of tea over to him.

"Sugar?" I asked, not knowing how he took his tea yet.

"Two, please." He smiled sleepily at me. He was definitely a night owl and not an early bird.

"I forgot you had a sweet tooth." I said matter-of-factly. Someone who loved chocolate and sweets at school obviously would have preferred sugar in their tea.

"Was last night not enough of a reminder?" He winked cheekily as he took a sip of the now sweetened tea.

I blushed lightly and swatted the air in front of him to disregard the comment. Sitting back down, knees curled close to me on the armchair. We face opposite each other.

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