Chapter FortyFour- Green Light.

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I was still bed bound, day three of the half term and only another three days to go before it was Sunday and I could meet everyone on platform 9 and 3/4.

I was staring absentmindedly out of the window when I thought I heard the familiar, loud voice of James Potter from downstairs rambling about Merlin-knows-what.

All of a sudden there was a soft knock at my door. I covered my bare chest with my covers. Not wanting James to see the fresh cut that had appeared across it...if it was James that is.

Perhaps I was imagining things, finally losing my mind and becoming delusional. Daydreaming about my friends and then starting to hear voices.

"Come in?" I said suspiciously, not trusting what I had heard, if I had heard anything at all.

Sirius walked in, to my surprise and closed the door behind him softly.

Suddenly I wished that I was imagining it all along.

"Your Mum invited us. James is downstairs, chewing her ear off I think. Talks too much, you know that." He laughed awkwardly, standing too still and hesitating near the door.

"You can sit, if you want." I said to him, motioning towards the chair in the corner of my room and turning and looking back out the window again to not face him. Feeling embarrassed with myself in his presence.

He sat at the end of my bed instead, crossing his legs and letting his dark hair lay softly over one shoulder. It had been so long since he had let it down, I hadn't realised it had grown just past his shoulders now.

He began to look out of the window too, mimicking my behaviour.

I discreetly looked over at him when I could tell he was lost in the view of the countryside.

He had a few stray hairs starting to poke out around his jawline. Lighter in colour than the hair on his head. A pathetic patch of his first facial hair that he had probably noticed and refused to shave off.

He was fiddling with his thumbs, the same way Arty does when she's nervous. Was he nervous?

"We need to talk about it." I said quietly.

"Talk about what?" He said, though I knew he was just being difficult.

"You know what I'm on about." I didn't want to say the words.

"There's no need, it was just a dare remember?" he shrugged trying to play it off like he didn't care to speak of it, though I knew him better than that. He was acting too cool to be seen as natural behaviour.

"Padfoot..." I tried to press him to start the conversation. Struggling to find the right way to admit how the experience had made me feel.

"Marlene said you looked like you enjoyed it, I told her that was dumb considering you're straight. Though I wouldn't blame you, I'm pretty hot. I reckon I could turn anyone." He joked.

I didn't crack a smile or even attempted to let a laugh slip. He was just building his walls up with humour, like he always does.

"I...I did, that's why we need to talk." I said so quietly I didn't know whether he could even hear me though he was close.

"You did?" He looked at me shocked.

His mouth was slightly parted, bushy dark eyebrows furrowing with confusion and his faintly hooded grey eyes locking with mine, so intensely it was intimidating.

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